Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

Learning in Metaverse

new study co-authored by Richard Mayer,

The study took place with about 100 middle school students taking a brief “virtual field trip” to learn about climate science. Some students experienced the field trip while wearing a VR headset, while others watched the same material in standard video on a computer screen.

“higher ratings of presence, interest, and enjoyment,”

The paper noted an obvious logistical benefit to virtual field trips over getting on a bus for an in-person outing. “Virtual field trips make it possible to experience things that are too expensive, dangerous, or impossible in the real world,” it says. The experiment did not address the difference in educational value between a real-world field trip and a virtual one.

for programs like nursing, pharmacy and medicine, VR seems promising for teaching some skills, as a piece of a broader curriculum that includes in-person hands-on learning as well.

The College Fear Factor

Equity Book Group & D2L Brightspace Course

A Professional Development Opportunity for All Faculty and Staff

What: Statewide opportunity to read, discuss, interact, share and learn with a book on a topic of interest and relevance for our work. This year the topic is improving communication with students and enhancing their sense of belonging.  Created by: Rebecca March and Cheryl Neudauer, Minneapolis College

The book is The College Fear Factor: How Students and Professors Misunderstand Each Other.  Rebecca Cox “spent five years talking to, and watching, community college students. She noted carefully the many ways they failed their classes. She listened closely to their reasons why.” – Jay Mathews, Washington Post blog

  1. Three 90-minute virtual Adobe Connect meetings to discuss how the experiences and perspectives in this book relate to our students and communities.  Virtual meetings are scheduled for:
    • Thursday, February 21 – 12:00-1:30 pm 
    • Thursday, March 28 – 12:00-1:30 pm
    • Thursday, April 18 – 12:00-1:30 pm
  2. D2L Brightspace course to explore issues related to communicating with our students both outside of and within the classroom, orally and through our documents, policies, and electronic communications and how these impact their sense of belonging.  The “course” will use short, asynchronous, interactive activities to help us explore how we can better serve our students, connect across the system, and share resources.

2nd meeting, March 28, 2019.

Engaging the Online Learner Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction:

motivation. goal has value

Effective Feedback and Clarity

Motivating Students With Effective Feedback and Clarity

Questions Guiding Effective Feedback

(1) What is my goal?

(2) Where am I presently in relationship to my goal?

(3) What next steps do I need to take in order to reach my goal?