embed AR VR in learning

How AR and VR Can Make Students Laugh and Cry Out Loud—and Embed Them in Their Learning

By Wendy McMahon     Aug 28, 2018


40 virtual reality headsets with haptic handsets for them to manipulate in the VR/AR space, and I connected them to content from New York Times VR and WITHIN. The content placed students in settings such as on the ground in a refugee crisis or in the midst of the Millions March in New York City.

At the beginning of every class, they would go into this virtual space and engage with the content instead of just reading it. They’d respond to me about what it was like to be immersed in the experience.

The content from the WITHIN app provided one of the more visceral experiences for students.

Extraordinary Stories in Virtual Reality https://www.with.in/?cid=3&csid=CQEpOXQ&pid=0

At the end of the course, for example, students met with a shark tank-type group—investors from the community, business, and industry folks—and pitched them business ideas that would utilize VR to provide a solution to problems that were local, regional, national or even global in scope.

Were you able to measure this success?

The way that I measured it was completion. How many of my students actually got through my class successfully? It was over 85%. My research from the two classes where I used VR and this approach shows students were engaged, and ultimately more successful in my classes.

zSpace  https://info.zspace.com/2018-vived-allied-health-promo


Intro To Haptic Technology

Haptics provide a critical role in making our devices more interactive.


1. Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM)

2. Linear Resonant Actuator (LRA)

Apple Taptic Engine

3. Piezoelectric Actuators

4. Forced Impact (Accelerated Ram)


more on VR in this IMS blog


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