video skills digital literacy

Video skills are a valuable gateway to digital literacy

Learning to use the equipment and produce content helps students view the media they consume through a more critical lens

In a world of digital consumption, teaching students how to create what they see, hear and watch is like teaching them the secrets behind a magic trick. Students often spend hours weekly on digital devices, reading stories or looking at images, GIFs and video. They consume vast amounts of digital media without often understanding how it’s created.

Bradley has been teaching the video production class since 2005 as its regional occupational program (ROP) instructor for the Graphic Communications, Video Production, and Computer Animation and Modeling courses. Besides helping students develop technical skills, he also infuses his classes with classic film screenings. Students might come to class and watch “Fantasia,” “High Noon,” “Metropolis” and “Dr. Strangelove,” he says.

He also assigns students work that has a specific focus in mind and brings in local experts to help them learn more about a subject before they create.

more on digital literacy in this IMS blog

1 Comment on video skills digital literacy

  1. 바카라사이트
    October 12, 2024 at 10:42 am (4 months ago)

    Určitě jste mohli vidět své dovednosti v článku, který píšete.
    Svět doufá v ještě zapálenější spisovatele, jako jste vy, kteří se nebojí říci, jak věří.바카라사이트
    Po celou dobu jdi za svým srdcem.


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