ELI Annual Meeting 2019
ELI Annual Meeting 2019
- What new kinds of leadership are required for this new teaching and learning landscape?
- What are the best methods and techniques that promote innovation and creative thinking to support student learning?
- What new educational technologies seem most promising?
- What role should data and analytics play, and what are the trade-offs between analytics and privacy?
- How can we best determine the efficacy of our learning innovations and technologies?
- What learning spaces and environments best promote active learning
2019 ELI Annual Meeting Tracks
- Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Analytics: Privacy, Learning Data, Student Advising, and Interventions
- Digital and Information Literacy
- Faculty Development and Engagement
- Innovation in Instructional Design and Course Models
- Leadership and Academic Transformation
- Learning Efficacy: Impact Evaluation, Learning Research and Science
- Learning Environments and Spaces
- Learning Horizons: Emerging Technology, Ground-Breaking Practices, and Educational Futures
- Open Education
- Student Success