Beyond Incrementalism

Beyond Incrementalism

In a time of growing and increasingly complex challenges, too many top administrators, leadership teams and boards are focusing on tactics rather than strategy

how should presidents begin to think strategically about the content and the pedagogy of the education their institutions will offer going forward? How should they lead their institutions to take concrete steps to eliminate systemic inequities on their campuses? How can they facilitate a commitment to combat racism not only on their campuses but also in their local communities and beyond? How can they manage all this as many face daily threats to their institution’s financial health?

Some of the presidents with whom I talked, along with several trustees and faculty members, have inspired the following suggestions for how at least some campus leaders may begin to think about the future.

Move even more online. 

Rethink goals in light of demographic realities, concerns about costs and shifting student interests.

Reconceptualize and streamline institutional structures to better serve faculty and student realities.

Consolidate student support services. 

Embrace the virtue of the out-of-doors. 

Budget for mission, with long-term strategies in mind. 

Address systemic racism, sexism, homophobia and other biases.


Responding to Susan Resneck Pierce’s excellent Views piece, “Beyond Incrementalism.”

more on administration in this IMS blog

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