Opinion: The Kremlin is trying to erase Russia’s collective memory. It won’t succeed.
Unlike in other post-communist countries, where atrocities committed by former regimes are being documented by government institutions — such as the Stasi Records Archive in Germany or the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland — in Russia this mammoth task was left to volunteers.
4 of the biggest archeological advancements of 2021 — including one ‘game changer’
The Surprising History of Google’s Push to Scan Millions of Library Books
https://www.ifla.org/g/faife/professional-codes-of-ethics-for-librarians/ и наред с IFLA е добре да се има пред вид ЮНЕСКО https://en.unesco.org/themes/ethics-science-and-technology/ethics-education
https://www.springer.com/journal/10676 (за мен би било интересно да видя/чуя студентите ти как се „разграничават” от ИТ специалистите). Статиите в това списание интересни ли са им? Ако не са, защо? Как те виждат бъдещата си професия и т.н.). Ако се окаже, че повечето се разграничават, тогава да обсъдят тази статия: https://utpjournals.press/doi/abs/10.3138/jelis-62-4-2020-0106?journalCode=jelis
five categories: intellectual freedom, privacy, intellectual property, professional ethics, and intercultural information ethics
https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Library_and_Information_Science/Ethics_and_Values_in_the_Information_Professions (syllabus, как твоя клас се различава от този? Прилича на този?)
https://www.loc.gov/item/webcast-3363 (това видео, повече от час, сравнено с предния учебен план, интересно)
https://repository.arizona.edu/bitstream/handle/10150/105520/fallislibraryhitech.pdf?sequence=1 (преглед на теориите, методологията)
http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.library.20180701.01.html и https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228428173_Where_is_Information_Ethics_in_Iranian_Library_and_Information_Science_Publications_and_Services
(тези две са интересни, защото са case study и по манталитет, ресурси и т.н., ние сме по близо до Нигерия и Иран, отколкото САЩ). Ето, да се противопостави на тази статия: https://divine-noise-attack.info/Case-Studies-In-Library-And-Information-Science-Ethics%7CKathrine-A.-Henderson.cgi и тази също https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/concern/masters_papers/g732dd51k
collection development, censorship, privacy, reference services, copyright, administrative concerns, information access, technology-related issues, and problems with conflicting loyalties
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/case-studies-in-library-and-information-science-ethics-elizabeth-a-buchanan/1101364048 това е книга, мога да се опитам
https://uni-mysore.ac.in/assets/downloads2011/PHD-syllabus/Library-Information-Science.pdf В Индия, разглеждат етиката като част от изследователските методи. Това може да е полезно, ако наистина мислите за магистърска програма.
https://simmonslis.libguides.com/AppliedEthics_and_LAMs/applied_ethics libguide (споменах ви за платформата)
‘I Want Journalists to Die Old’: Nobel Winner Muratov’s Acceptance Speech, in Quotes
— “There are two contradicting trends in Russia today. On the one hand, Russia’s president supports the erection of a monument to Sakharov’s 100th anniversary. On the other hand, Russia’s Prosecutor General demands the elimination of the international organization Memorial. … But Memorial was established by Sak
difference between low moral / demoralization and burnout
in regard of “tone deaf” admins, check also #ToxicPositivity