Posts Tagged ‘administrators. EDAD’

lifelong learning

Why lifelong learning is the international passport to success

The university model needs to evolve.

universities and curricula are designed along the three unities of French classical tragedy: time, action, and place. Students meet at the university campus (unity of place) for classes (unity of action) during their 20s (unity of time). This classical model has traditionally produced prestigious universities, but it is now challenged by the digitalisation of society – which allows everybody who is connected to the internet to access learning – and by the need to acquire skills in step with a fast-changing world. Universities must realise that learning in your 20s won’t be enough. If technological diffusion and implementation develop faster, workers will have to constantly refresh their skills.

By teaching foundational knowledge and up-to-date skills, universities will provide students with the future-proof skills of lifelong learning, not just get them ‘job-ready’.


presidents and coaches salaries

There are now significant numbers of administrators in America’s colleges and universities who are being paid, in real dollars, more than the highest-paid university president was receiving when I was an undergraduate, in the early 1980s — in quite a few cases, many multiples more.

he outrageous athletics salaries can even seem to justify the administrative overpay. By a kind of perverse psychological effect, paying a college football coach $10 million per year makes paying a university president $1.5 million, a provost $800,000, and various vice provosts and vice chancellors $500,000 each seem positively parsimonious by comparison.


Pandemic and Graduate Training

What We Learned in the Pandemic About Graduate Training

Three Covid-inspired innovations shed light on what needs to change in graduate education

  • How we admit students to graduate school. 
  • How we mentor graduate students.
  • How we improve fairness, equity, and inclusion.

more on grad students in this IMS blog

Positive deviants

‘Positive deviants’: Why rebellious workers spark great ideas

Organisations tend to see rebels as troublemakers – but suppressing these individuals and their ideas could backfire.

There is psychological evidence that rebelliousness is essential for creativity. Harvard psychiatrist Albert Rothenberg spent more than five decades researching individuals who had made ground-breaking contributions to science, literature and the arts, seeking to understand what drove their creativity.

To investigate the benefits of rebelliousness further, a team led by Paraskevas Petrou at the Erasmus University Rotterdam recently surveyed 156 employees from various industries in the Netherlands. They measured rebelliousness via a questionnaire that asked participants to rate their agreement with statements such as:

  • I break rules
  • I know how to get around the rules
  • I use swear words
  • I resist authority

If they are committed to creativity, leaders should take practical steps to ensure that progress is achievable, ensuring that the “rebels” have the available space, funding and time to pursue innovative ideas that may appear crazy, unwarranted or out of place at the time, but that could subsequently save the organisation.

more on disrupt in this IMS blog

What is leadership, and who is a leader

What is leadership, and who is a leader?

With so many definitions of leadership, each organization needs to have a clear definition of what leadership is and what it means to be a leader within their company. The definition can evolve over time, but having even a basic, agile definition is better than no definition at all.

Leadership filters ensure the company has a consistent definition of leadership and that the people who best represent the culture and values are promoted to leadership positions. A leader focused solely on raising profits and earning more money wouldn’t fare well in a company focused on developing empathetic leaders. Leadership filters help promote the right people and maintain a cohesive work environment.

more about leadership in this IMS blog

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