Posts Tagged ‘edutopia’

Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance

Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance

By Yvonne Chan

The future of education lies in a healthy balance between teaching and technology. Digital literacy a the standard language of our world today, writes Andrew Marcinek. “As databases grow and information continues to evolve into paperless formats, it is essential to teach students how to question effectively and efficiently.” In addition, Marcinek advocates for educators to promote and encourage offline activities like socializing and traditional books alongside online learning.

In addition, Marcinek believes that educators should find applications that “promote and strengthen a variety of skill sets for students, not just one or two.” Learning goals and objective should still drive classroom engagement, not tools like devices and applications.

An administrator’s biggest mistake is to make technology seem like a mandated item.

For full story, see Edutopia.

Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance

MARCH 11, 2014

Andrew MarcinekDirector of Technology & Co-founder, Boston, MA