Posts Tagged ‘school system’

Who is in Charge of America’s Schools?

Who is in Charge of America’s Schools?


The Prize is a story about good intentions gone awry.  They turn into political struggles, condescending and arrogant management policies, and money wasted.  They are thwarted by community mistrust which led to rebellion.  Note that none of this mentions the children.  It may be an opportunity lost for them.  If their parents stay involved, workable strategies to improve schools may emerge.

The Prize gives little insight into what works in schools to break the cycle of poverty.  The Newark example explains what did not work.  Individual teachers, given adequate support, are effective.  Some lessons learned about charter and district collaboration have emerged.  Small steps are being taken.  I will post them next.  What we do know is that, in the last analysis, parents own the schools.  Without them, nothing good will happen.