digital storytelling
Stories are for sorting and storing
> Willard,
> The post 29.126 has been niggling at me for days. I originally want to
> reply with a simple observation that the appeal to storytelling is
> cast in such a way to avoid the complications of narration’s relation
> to narrative (the telling and the told; shown and said). But it was
> the theme of “borrowing” from one domain by another that leads me to
> recall a counter-narrative where there is no need to borrow between
> domains since the military-industrial-entertainment complex is one entity.
> I contend that fundamental to human interaction is narration:
> attentiveness to how stories are related. Stories are for sorting and
> storing. *Sometimes this soothes paranoia induced by too much
> linearity.*
> A while ago (1996), I explored recursivity and narrativity. My
> starting point was the ability to ask questions (and learn from one’s
> bodily reactions). The musings may or may not have military relevance.
> Judge for
> yourselves:
> <quote>
> Pedagogical situations are sensory. They are also interpersonal.
> Because they are sensory this makes even learning by oneself interpersonal.
> Egocentric speech is like a dialogue between the senses. In
> Vygotsky’s and Luria’s experiments, children placed in problem-solving
> situations that were slightly too difficult for them displayed egocentric speech.
> One could consider these as self-induced metadiscursive moments. The
> self in crisis will disassociate and one’s questionning becomes the
> object of a question.
> Not only is the human self as a metabeing both fracturable and
> affiliable in itself, it is also prone to narrativity. That is, the
> human self will project its self-making onto the world in order to
> generate stories from sequences and to break stories into recombinant
> sequences. Its operations on signs are material practices with consequences for world-making.
> The fracturable affiliable self calls for reproductive models suitable
> to the interactions of multi-sensate beings, models that render dyads
> dialectical, questionable, answerable. Narrativity understood
> dialectically does not merely mean making sequences or strings of
> events into stories but also stories into things, strung together for
> more stories. From such an understanding, emerge non-dyadic
> narratives of reproduction, narratives where a thing-born transforms
> itself into an event, comes to understand itself as a process.
> </quote>
> http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~lachance/S6D.HTM
> Funny to consider that those remarks were based in a consideration of
> language and feedback mechanisms. Make me think that the storytelling
> as “potent form of emotional cueing” may be directed to undesired
> responses such as greater self-reflexivity. And depending on how they
> are parsed, Hollywood films can contribute to undesired responses
> including escape. 🙂
> Francois Lachance, Scholar-at-large
> http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~lachance
> to think is often to sort, to store and to shuffle: humble, embodied
> tasks
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2015, Humanist Discussion Group wrote:
>> Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi, in “The Convergence of the Pentagon and
>> Hollywood” (Memory Bytes: History, Technology, and Digital Culture, ed.
>> Rabinovitz and Geil, 2004), describes in some detail the adoption by
>> the U.S. military of the entertainment industry’s storytelling
>> techniques implemented by means of simulation. This chapter follows
>> on from her excellent “Simulating the Unthinkable: Gaming Future War
>> in the 1950s and 1960s”, Social Studies of Science 30.2 (2000). In
>> the 2004 piece she describes a U.S. National Research Council
>> workshop in October 1996 at which representatives from film, video
>> game, entertainment and theme-parks came together with those from the
>> Department of Defense, academia and the defense industries. There is
>> much about this convergence that we might productively take an
>> interest in. Let me, however, highlight storytelling in particular.
>> In a military context, Ghamari-Tabrizi points out, skilled
>> storytelling techniques are used to help participants in a VR
>> environment sense that they are in a real environment and behave
>> accordingly. Storytelling functions as a potent form of emotional
>> cueing that would seem to elicit the desired responses. But
>> especially interesting, I think, is the fact that “many conference
>> participants argued that the preferred mode of experiential immersion
>> in electronic media is not the unframed chaos of hypertext, but
>> old-fashioned storytelling.” She quotes Alex Seiden of Industrial
>> Light and Magic (note the date — 1996): “I’ve never seen a CD-ROM
>> that moved me the way a powerful film has. I’ve never visited a Web
>> page with great emotional impact. I contend that linear narrative is
>> the fundamental art form of humankind: the novel, the play, the film… these are the forms that define our cultural experience.”
>> Comments?
>> Yours,
>> WM
>> —
>> Willard McCarty (http://www.mccarty.org.uk/), Professor, Department of
>> Digital Humanities, King’s College London, and Digital Humanities
>> Research Group, University of Western Sydney
Turning Technophobia through Digital Storytelling
Plamen Miltenoff
August 17, 2015 at 5:07 pm (10 years ago)Storytelling: Oral Traditions
Students talk about what makes a good story, look at the oral tradition of storytelling, and compare and contrast stories from two different cultural traditions. This is one of four storytelling lessons.
Plamen Miltenoff
August 17, 2015 at 7:36 pm (10 years ago)A Nice Tool for Creating Visual Stories
Thematic is a new service designed for building and sharing visual stories. Thematic allows you to display up to twenty pictures organized around a theme of your choosing. You can add one line of text to each image in your story. Your completed story is displayed in a vertically scrolling format with each of your images occupying all of the available space in your browser. Completed stories can be shared publicly or kept private. Each public story can be shared via Twitter, Facebook, email, or embedding into a webpage.
Plamen Miltenoff
March 23, 2016 at 10:07 pm (9 years ago)Improved Digital Storytelling Tools
As the set of available digital story-telling tools continues to improve, the flipped classroom is benefiting exponentially, according to Roschelle.
Annotating stories, indexing specific questions and identifying particular pause points have all been made easier with new technology.
“The earliest Khan Academy videos were just a video of someone [in front] of a blackboard. We’ve come a long way since then,” Roschelle explained. “Teachers now have an array of tools to use when creating content that students can view on their own time.”
McCrea, B. (2016). 6 Flipped Learning Technologies To Watch in 2016. THE Journal. Retrieved from https://thejournal.com/articles/2016/03/16/6-flipped-learning-technologies-to-watch-in-2016.aspx
Plamen Miltenoff
April 13, 2016 at 10:33 pm (9 years ago)Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Scribeasy Offers Great Visual Prompts for Creating Short Stories
Scribeasy is a free iPad app that offers a fun environment in which students can write short stories. Students create stories on Scribeasy by first selecting a background image then dragging and dropping additional pictures onto their chosen background images.