Microcredentials and Digital Badges in Higher Ed
Microcredentials and Digital Badges in Higher Education
November 27 – 29, 2018 Savannah, GA
Badging programs are rapidly gaining momentum in higher education – join us to learn how to get your badging efforts off the ground.
During this session, you will learn how to ask the right questions and evaluate if badges are a good fit within your unique institutional context, including determining ROI on badging efforts. You’ll also learn how to assess the competencies behind digital badges.
This session will allow for greater understanding of Open Badges standards, the variety of technology software and platforms, and the portability of badges. We will also explore emerging trends in the digital badging space and discuss campus considerations.
During this hour, we will take a closer look at answering key financial questions surrounding badges:
- What does the business model look like behind existing institutional badging initiatives?
- Are these money-makers for an institution? Is there revenue potential?
- Where does funding for these efforts come from?
Badging can be a catalyst for partnerships between higher education and industry. In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about strategies for collaborating with industry in the development of badges and how badges align with employer expectations.
Now that we have a better idea of the “why” and “what” of badges, how do we market their value to external and internal stakeholders? You’ll see examples of how other institutions are designing and marketing their badges.
Alongside your peers and our expert instructors, you will have the opportunity to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, ask questions, and get answers.
Most institutions are getting into the badging game, and we’ll talk about the far-reaching considerations in the world of badging. We’ll use this time to engage in forward-thinking and discuss the future of badging and what future trends in badging might be.
more on microcredentialing in this IMS blog
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