Archive of ‘technology’ category

Augmented Reality ‘Store of the Future’

Augmented Reality Helping Build ‘Store of the Future’

AR can also be utilized in-store, Ripert said, to show different variations of products without having to carry multiple models and take up precious stockroom space or to make shopping more interactive with scavenger hunts and virtual experiences.

The rise of the metaverse, or immersive virtual worlds where people gather, work and socialize, also makes it crucial for retailers to adopt AR technology now so as to avoid getting left behind.


Semi-Immersive Technology, Desktop-AR

what is semi-immersive VR?
This kind of technology acts as a window into a virtual world, usually using a computer monitor but sometimes a projector, and the user interaction is done via the keyboard and/or mouse. The users interface in a partial virtual environment, with the feeling of being in a different reality, but are still aware of their physical surroundings.

Apple Maps in 3D

Apple Maps introduces new ways to explore major cities in 3D

With iOS 15, Apple Maps introduces step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality. Users can simply raise their iPhone to scan buildings in the area, and Maps generates a highly accurate position to deliver detailed directions that can be viewed in the context of the real world.

iPhone shows step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality in Apple Maps in iOS 15.

VR training effectivness

VR trained students showed a 250% improvement in their ability to accurately complete a safety procedure

VR trained surgeons were 29% faster and made 6x fewer errors

VR training is 83% less expensive and 50% faster than traditional in-person simulation

83% of VR-trained surgical residents could successfully perform a new procedure, whereas 0% of the traditionally trained residents could do the same

50% reduction in critical surgical errors and 34x reduction in cost for VR trained learners

Over 400% increase in long-term retention for VR trained students

40% fewer mistakes made by surgeons who train in virtual reality

80% savings in training time for VR learners

VR learners are 40% more confident in applying what they’re taught

VR is 400% faster than classroom based learning

VR-based learners are 3.75x more emotionally connected to learning content

VR learners are 150% less distracted

85% of learners prefer VR over traditional methods

VR collaboration for veterans

Augmented reality can be a valuable therapeutic tool for Veterans. Through a previous three-year evaluation of Veterans using Waya Health’s VR tools in inpatient and long-term care settings at the Western North Carolina VA Health Care System (WNCVAHCS), in Asheville, N.C., 84 percent of Veterans reported reduction in discomfort, 89 percent reported reduction in stress, 96 percent reported enjoying their experience, and 97 percent said they would recommend it to their peers.



While he once said it was hard to see the appeal of Google Glass, the AR wearable that proved unpopular with consumers, he’s held a consistently positive opinion on AR since at least 2016.

AR features are already available on the iPhone and iPad. And while hope is starting to fade that Apple will release a mixed reality device in 2022, the latest rumors suggest the company is still forging ahead with some kind of AR / VR headset to be released in the not-distant future.

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