Posts Tagged ‘Astroscreen’

disinformation cybersecurity

It’s time to accept that disinformation is a cyber security issue from r/technology

Misinformation and disinformation are rife, but so far it’s been seen as a challenge for policy-makers and big tech, including social media platforms.

The sheer volume of data being created makes it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. From destroying 5G towers to conspiracies like QAnon and unfounded concern about election fraud, distrust is becoming the default – and this can have incredibly damaging effects on society.

So far, the tech sector – primarily social media companies, given that their platforms enable fake news to spread exponentially – have tried to implement some measures, with varying levels of success. For example, WhatsApp has placed a stricter limit on its message-forwarding capability and Twitter has begun to flag misleading posts.

the rise of tech startups that are exploring ways to detect and stem the flow of disinformation, such Right of ReplyAstroscreen and Logically.

disinformation has the potential to undermine national security

Data breaches result in the loss of value, but so can data manipulation