Device Implementation at K12

Fact or Myth?
Device Implementation Is Possible Without the Headache!
Presented by the Classcraft Learning Team

Eric Davis & Kinshasa Marshall @classcraftgame   Gaming 03-28-19 Slides1-1qgto1x

! Tasks with motivational gamified mechanics → improvement in 21st-century learning skills, technical competencies,
independence, and personal accountability for devices and their readiness
! Student-led, independent, and sophisticated use of devices increased roughly 100%
! “Gamification as a motivational tool and platform for online delivery of learning activities and resources is a critical element of
integrating technology into schools”
! Students placed a greater value on their devices being present and ready to use in order to enjoy gamified content
! The use of gamification capitalized on the curiosity aspect being at the center of intrinsic motivation — encouraging students to
explore what their devices can do for them in general and what they are capable of given the task, some direction, and a
prospective reUward

Planning, care FOR and ABOUT the device

4 Comments on Device Implementation at K12

  1. Molly Lee
    April 9, 2019 at 3:02 pm (6 years ago)

    I love how gamification excites students and motivates them to learn. Without realizing it, students are improving technology skills while simultaneously learning. It’s a great task to use in K-12. I do think that device implementation is possible and can be done effectively. I have worked in a school that was not 1:1 with devices. Allowing students to use their own device (or to grab a Chromebook if they needed to), made students want to learn. I think using their device gave them a sense of ownership. It does seem to place a greater value on the content, especially while doing a gamification activity.

    • Plamen Miltenoff
      April 9, 2019 at 3:42 pm (6 years ago)

      I am glad to read your openess toward BYOD, Molly. To play the devils advocate, here are some questions to your posting: How would you redraft school policies, which prohibit personal devices and mandate only school-issued Chromebooks? Do you think the school can benefit harnessing students’ personal devices, versus investing in school-owned tablets? How would you negotiate objections from the IT people regarding threats to security posed by personal devices? How would you negotiate teachers resistance to re-shape their syllabus to be tailored to variety of mobile personal mobile devices?
      In terms of gamification: how would you define with teachers the difference between play, games, serious games? what does effective gamification constitutes of?

      • Molly Lee
        April 10, 2019 at 11:33 pm (6 years ago)

        I think the first thing I would do to redraft school policies is to have a conversation with other teachers. I would want to know what they think and learn what they have observed with the BYOD trend. I would most likely compile some statistics and reach out to admin. I think the main benefit would be a financial one (having students bring their own devices instead of investing in school owned tech devices). I do worry about student responsibility for learning and being respectful if they have access to their phones for the majority of the day. I can see that being potentially problematic, especially at the high school level.

        I think effective gamification consists of intrinsic motivation among students to learn embedded objectives. It’s playing with a purpose. Gamification can help students not only learn specific content, but it can help them with strategic thinking. I would explain that to a teacher and further talk about how games played for leisure are primarily just for fun. There are no embedded objectives or lessons beyond the object of the game. Gamification can be educational, motivational and effective for learning.

  2. Joshua Jasmine
    February 1, 2024 at 5:15 am (1 year ago)

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