7 Edtech Trends to Watch in 2022: a Startup Guide for Entrepreneurs
1. Data is abundant and the key to today’s edtech solutions
2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are powering the latest generation of edtechs
3. Game-based learning is transforming how students learn
4. Edtechs are at the forefront of digital transformation in the classroom
5. Workforce upskilling is being supplemented by edtech solutions
6. Edtechs are being called upon to help with student wellbeing
7. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality are top of mind
Study: VR better than video for student performance, engagement
XR is the gateway to the metaverse.
Mouth Haptics for VR Headsets Are Just Going To Be Used for Kissing
Scientists at the Futures Interfaces Group at Carnegie Mellon University added ultrasonic devices to a standard VR headset. They point at the mouth and target pulses and swipes at the lips, teeth, or tongue. Most haptic devices currently involve our hands and fingers, like cell phone menus and VR accessories. The mouth is the second most sensitive area, thus the researchers focus for enhancing VR. It also means their accessory mounts to the headset and doesn’t add any other equipment.