Posts Tagged ‘doctoral cohort’

writing first draft

  • I go to a quiet room, office, library or coffee shop.
  • Depending on where I am, I brew/order a cup of coffee.
  • I disconnect my computer from the internet.
  • I put my phone in airplane mode.
  • I open up Scrivener.
  • I arrange the outline for the chapter in question.
  • I set a timer for 30 minutes.
  • I write, keep my fingers moving and avoid stopping to edit myself (this is harder than it sounds).
  • When the buzzer sounds, I stand up and take a two-minute break.
  • After this break, I review my outline and notes.


25 Things About Writing

by Justin McLachlan

also in:

  • Real writing is actually a lot of rewriting.
  • Your friends won’t be as impressed the second time around. Don’t let it stop you.
  • Grammar, punctuation, spelling — it’s okay if all these things come last.
  • First drafts universally suck.
  • Avoid the advice of those who tell you otherwise of #5.
  • Trying to edit while writing is like trying to chop down a tree while you’re climbing it
  • Writing can be lonely. Very, very lonely.
  • Inspiration will never strike when you need it to. Just write. Do the work.
  • Complex construction doesn’t equal complex though. Simplify.
  • Deadlines. Goals. Set them, and stick to them.

more on proofreading in this IMS blog
more proofreading techniques for the EDAD doctoral cohort on Pinterest

research and literature review

Roberts, C. (2010). The Dissertation Journey. A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planing, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation. Corwin, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Chapter 9.

Purpose and scope

We talked about “themes” and the need to be careful with breaking them into “subthemes”: if you do a historical overview, avoid chunking it into “dates” and rather keep the thematic relation. Make sure that the relate to your topic; that’s why it is good to keep your title (even if preliminary), outline (even if in progress), thesis (even if under work) etc. on the first page of your Chapter 2 manuscript / draft.

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Writing a conceptual framework from Wylie Tidwell, III

Formulate your research question / thesis

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