screen capture on Apple
more on screen capture in this IMS blog
Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
more on screen capture in this IMS blog
What Microsoft is getting right with tablets–seamless synching between devices, more computing power, and accessories–and why Apple should go there too.
“The iPad is nearly 5 years old. That product, ever since, has continued to ride a thin dividing line between iPhones and Macs: mobile, and computers.
…Will there be both a 12-inch iPad and a 12-inch MacBook Air in 2015? If so, how will they co-exist? Could they be meant for different customers?
…the iPad needs a change. It needs something to ignite interest. It needs a few new ideas.
Microsoft — with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system — is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from.”