Posts Tagged ‘SurveyMonkey’

survey for mobiles

Join Mario Callegaro, Senior Survey Research Scientist at Google UK, and one of own survey research scientists, Sarah Cho, on February 24 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET for our webinar, Market research surveys gone mobile: Optimizing for better results.

Mario Callegaro

Senior Survey Research Scientist

Quantitative Marketing Team, Google UK


Sarah Cho

Survey Research Scientist


.My notes from the Webinar.

Surveys uncover the WHY. Big Data,

why mobile matters. tablet and smart phone penetration: around 60-80% in Europe. According to Pew In the US, 68% smartphone and 45% tablet

faster reaction but longer questionnaire completion time on smartphones = device effects

survey design device vs. survey take device – mismatch. When there is a mismatch, questions are asked.
5 strategies to handle mobile phone respondents: 1. do nothing
surveym0nkey: do all surveys have to be mobile optimized? no, so make sure you think about the context in which you are sending out

2. discourage the use of mobile phones for answering 3. optimize the web questionnaire for mobile browsers 4. mobile app

design considerations for multiple devices surveys. two “actors”: survey designer and survey platform

confounds when interpreting findings across devices: use homogeneous population (e.g students)

difference between mouse vs fingers as input devices

what about tablets: as long as flash is not used, tablet is very much the same as laptop/desktop. phablets (iPhone growth of the screen)

mobile survey design tips (Sarah)

multiple choice: ok to use, but keep wording short, format response vertically instead of horizontally.

open-ended q type: hard to type (but no word on voice recognition???)


multimedia: images, clarity, video, avoid (bandwidth constrains), use Youtube, so every device can play it, versus Flash, Java Script etc

testing and length: as usual

URL: as short as possible. consider QR code

growth of survey taking on mobile devices

growth of survey taking on mobile devices