8 photography tips for anyone with a camera (or a camera phone)
more on digital photography in this IMS blog:
Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
more on digital photography in this IMS blog:
Based on the documents attached above, and the discussion and work already surrounding these documents, please consider the following flowchart:
study >>> systems theory >>> cybermetrics >>>
SWOT >>> strategic planning >>> task force >>> architect >>>
CM >>> public adviser >>> public polling >>> referendum
During the exercises surrounding the documents above, you have been introduced to various speakers / practitioners, who presented real-life cases regarding:
– the first goal of this technology instruction is to figure out the current state of technology in K12 settings.
* split in groups * using each group member’s information and experience about technology in general and technology in school settings, use the flow chart above and identify any known technology, which can improve the process of each step in the flow chart.
* reconvene and compare results among groups. Find similarities and discrepancies and agree on a pool of applicable technology tools and concepts, which can improve the process reflected in the flow chart.
Example how to meet the requirements for the first goal: 1. based on your technological proficiency, how can you aid your study using system thinking/systems approach? the work ahead of you is collaborative. What collaborative tools do you know, which can help the team work across time and space? Skype, Google Hangouts for audio/video/desktopsharing. Google Drive/Docs for working on policies and similar text-based documents.
e.g., mobile workspaces (https://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/2015/12/03/mobile-workspaces-on-campus/ ) are part of the larger picture, namely active learning spaces (https://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/?s=learning+spaces&submit=Search), which involves, furniture, building construction, etc.
keeping in mind this interdependence / balance, please work in groups on the following questions. Using the available links above and the literature they lead to, as well as your own findings, please provide your best opinion to these questions:
10 Major Technology Trends in Education : https://thejournal.com/Articles/2014/02/03/10-Major-Technology-Trends-in-Education.aspx
30 Trends In Education Technology For 2015 : http://www.teachthought.com/uncategorized/30-trends-education-technology-2015/
ISTE 2015: 6 Tech Trends on Education’s Horizon, 2015–2020
9 Ed Tech Trends To Watch in 2015 , 01/22/15, https://campustechnology.com/Articles/2015/01/22/9-Ed-Tech-Trends-To-Watch-in-2015.aspx
5 Education Tech Trends For 2015 : 12/29/2014, http://www.informationweek.com/government/open-government/5-education-tech-trends-for-2015/a/d-id/1318396
– the second goal of this technology instruction is to become acquainted with future technological trends and developments.
The New Horizon Report 2015 K12 Edition:
https://www.graphite.org/ – reviews and ratings for educational materials
predictive analysis (big data): https://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/2015/12/03/predictive-analysis/ more here
https://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/?s=predictive+analysis&submit=Search and https://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/tag/big-data/
What is BDaas, SaaS, PaaS, X-as-a-Service, IaaS versus SAN?