Interactive 3D learn and work

EdSurge recently talked with Linda Sellheim, Education Lead at Epic Games

Interactive 3D is the ability to interact with the digital world the same way you do with the real world. These experiences can take many forms, from dynamic web-based content to immersive VR, AR or MR experiences. You know those realistic simulations of storms you see on the Weather Channel? That’s interactive 3D.

Burning Glass to identify the types of 3D skills needed in the workplace. They found that jobs requiring real-time 3D skills are growing 601 percent faster than the job market overall, and pay 57 percent above the average advertised salary

Imagine building a history museum in Unreal Engine and having students populate the displays. That’s what some classes are doing.

this blog post that includes the new Creator’s Field Guide to Emerging Careers in Interactive 3D.

all educators to check out resources such as Unreal Engine’s Secondary Education Lesson Plans and Games For Change.

more on 3D in this IMS blog

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