Searching for "3D"

Virtual Reality and 3D in academic libraries

SuppoRting viRtual Reality anD 3D in acaDemic libRaRieS

link to MS Teams Sharepoint document (request access from David Anderson)

link to the notes and highlight in (request access from Plamen Miltenoff)

Link to the the PDF document:

an interdisciplinary group of librarians and researchers from Virginia Tech, Indiana University,
and the University of Oklahoma convened to develop a series of three national forums on this topic, funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), as a project titled Developing Library Strategy for 3D and Virtual Reality Collection Development and Reuse (LIB3DVR) [8]

in addition to these ethical and legal concerns, there are also intellectual property issues identified that could impact how VR content is used in the future.

3. Participants identified a range of possible preservation strategies for dealing with these challenges and preservation considerations. Selection and documentation were seen as important activities for ensuring the long-term preservation of 3D/VR content.

Apple Maps in 3D

Apple Maps introduces new ways to explore major cities in 3D

With iOS 15, Apple Maps introduces step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality. Users can simply raise their iPhone to scan buildings in the area, and Maps generates a highly accurate position to deliver detailed directions that can be viewed in the context of the real world.

iPhone shows step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality in Apple Maps in iOS 15.

Interactive 3D learn and work

EdSurge recently talked with Linda Sellheim, Education Lead at Epic Games

Interactive 3D is the ability to interact with the digital world the same way you do with the real world. These experiences can take many forms, from dynamic web-based content to immersive VR, AR or MR experiences. You know those realistic simulations of storms you see on the Weather Channel? That’s interactive 3D.

Burning Glass to identify the types of 3D skills needed in the workplace. They found that jobs requiring real-time 3D skills are growing 601 percent faster than the job market overall, and pay 57 percent above the average advertised salary

Imagine building a history museum in Unreal Engine and having students populate the displays. That’s what some classes are doing.

this blog post that includes the new Creator’s Field Guide to Emerging Careers in Interactive 3D.

all educators to check out resources such as Unreal Engine’s Secondary Education Lesson Plans and Games For Change.

more on 3D in this IMS blog

3D scanning iPhone lidar

3D scanning with the iPhone lidar

he latest generation of iPhones (12 Pro and 12 Pro Max) comes equipped with a back facing lidar camera.

6 go-to scanning apps, they all come with direct export to Sketchfab:


Scaniverse captures here, and get the app here.


Polycam captures here, and get the app here.

3D scanner app

3D scanner app captures here, and get the app here.


Record3D captures here and get the app here.


SiteScape captures here and get the app here.


Everypoint captures here, and get the app here.

more on 3D scanning in this IMS blog

3D renderer, Blockchain, Bot, Game, Neural Network, Search Engine, Text Editor

Build your own X, a collection of tutorials to build your own 3D renderer, Blockchain, Bot, Game, Neural Network, Search Engine, Text Editor, and much more! (27 things to build!) from r/programming

Bagchi, M. (2020). Conceptualising a Library Chatbot using Open Source Conversational AI. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 40, 329–333.

more on chatbots in this IMS blog

lessons with interactive 3D


Students love playing games like Fortnite. What if they could enjoy learning history, math, science, or social studies while they play and create?

Epic Games invites secondary school teachers to submit lesson plans that utilize interactive 3D technology to engage their students for a chance to win cash prizes up to $25,000. To enter the contest, submit a new or existing lesson plan that incorporates Fortnite CreativeTwinmotion, or Unreal Engine by May 31, 2020.

Lesson plans can cover any topic for ages 13 and up—whether that’s a core subject like history, math, or science, or vocational skills like game design, engineering, or urban planning. Need help teaching with real-time tools? We have so many resources and lesson plan examples to help you get started!

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