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Against DRM

what is DRM:

Digital rights management

Companies such as Amazon,AT&TAOLApple Inc.Google[1]BBCMicrosoftElectronic Arts, and Sony use digital rights management.

Those opposed to DRM contend there is no evidence that DRM helps prevent copyright infringement, arguing instead that it serves only to inconvenience legitimate customers, and that DRM helps big business stifle innovation and competition.[6] Furthermore, works can become permanently inaccessible if the DRM scheme changes or if the service is discontinued.

MOOCs in the libraries

This blog entry is related to a previous one:

From: <Proffitt>, Merrilee <>
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:39 PM
To: “Proffitt,Merrilee” <>
Subject: Outputs from MOOCs and Libraries meeting


I’m writing to you again, as promised, to let you know that ALL of the outputs from our MOOCs and Libraries meeting are now available online. You may have already seen the announcement below, but just in case this escaped your attention, I am sending it to you, directly. I hope you will use and share!

“MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge?” Event Summarized in Series of Six Hangingtogether Blog Posts


The 18-19 March “MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge?” event featured thoughtful and provocative presentations about how libraries are already getting involved with MOOCs, and engaged attendees in discussions about strategic opportunities and challenges going forward. OCLC Research Senior Program Officer Merrilee Proffitt helped to organize the event and has posted a series of six blog posts on the OCLC Research blog, Hangingtogether, that recap presentation highlights and summarize its outcomes.

These blog posts include:

  1. MOOCs and Libraries: Introduction;
  2. MOOCs and Libraries: Copyright, Licensing, Open Access
  3. MOOCs and Libraries: Production and Pedagogy
  4. MOOCs and Libraries: New Opportunities for Librarians
  5. MOOCs and Libraries: Who Are the Masses? A View of the Audience
  6. MOOCs and Libraries: Next Steps?

In addition, a MOOCs and Libraries video playlist that comprises 11 videos of the event sessions is available on the MOOCs and Libraries event page, and on the OCLC Research YouTube Channel. Links to the presenters’ slides, the next steps document (.pdf: 124K/1 pp.), the MOOCs online poll responses (.pdf: 67K/2 pp.), and the #mooclib archived tweets pdf: 639K/32 pp.) from this event are also available on the MOOCs and Libraries event page.

All best,


Merrilee Proffitt, Senior Program Officer
OCLC Research
777 Mariners Island Blvd Suite 550
San Mateo, CA 94404 USA

Merrilee blogs at
Follow me on Twitter @merrileeiam

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