Managing Relationships with Partners in Non-Traditional Badge Development
Live Webcast: October 28, 2019 | 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Webcast Recording: Available 10 business days after the Live Webcast
Non-traditional badges represent a growing market full of opportunity. However, you may not be pursuing badges of this type, because you’re not sure how to work with industry partners in development and management. Don’t let that stop you!
Join us for this webcast to learn tips on how to engage with industry partners for non-traditional badge development. We will profile a typical relationship with industry partners and share common pitfalls to avoid.
Michael P. Macklin
Associate Provost for Workforce Partnerships/Development, Colorado Community College System
Michael’s primary focuses are workforce development, noncredit programming, and business partnership development. Through Mr. Macklin’s work with digital badges, he is leveraging the power of digital credential opportunities in advanced manufacturing, healthcare and information technology. He understands that digital badges are key in sustaining and expanding workforce skillsets with community and business partners as this allows for unprecedented access to affordable reskilling and upskilling opportunities. Read Michael’s full bio here.
more on badges in this IMS blog
The best intro to Augmented Reality may be the MergeCube:
In 45 min, Mark Gill with the SCSU Vizlab (, Alan Srock (Astronomy), and Plamen Miltenoff with InforMedia Services ( will guide you through ideas and hands-on setup of the MergeCube in your lesson plans.
When: October 22, 11AM
Where: Miller Center 205 (“how to get” directions here: )
or join us via Zoom:
Who: faculty, staff, students interested in exciting new educational technology

Here is more information about the ed use of MergeCube:
My note: 17 years after, and several generations after (Millennials, Gen Z) the observations still hold
Singer, M. (2002, February 13). Teaching the MTV Learner. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
Britney Spears does have more appeal than most quadratic equations. With thousands of dollars of high-tech digital engineering spent on every word uttered, or in this case, sung, how can the typical college professor compete?
“In China today, Bill Gates is Britney Spears. In America today, Britney Spears is Britney Spears-and that is our problem.” ― Thomas L. Friedman, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
MTV Learners are seeking warp-speed answers to their life issues. They want to know: “What does this information (your course) have to do with me (self-actualization)?” and “What does this information (your course) have to do with my career (my choice of vocation)?”
Be democratic, not autocratic. Instead of management by fiat, try taking regular opinion polls and surveys of your students to determine the specific methods of teaching your course.
Try to eliminate the lecture-test, lecture-test, lecture-test format and substitute other learning models that accentuate the choices of the MTV Learner. Focus on the quality of your syllabus as a giant “master operating agreement” that presents the learning objectives of your course and related policies in a manner that is as clear and as easy to understand as possible. Without sounding too litigious on your syllabus, present the consequences of missed absences, overdue work, incomplete assignments, and the like.
Webinar: tools for collaborative research and early discovery
Librarians have been at the forefront in promoting open access publishing options and informing their researchers about the open access landscape. Open access is increasingly recognized as embedded within the larger framework of open science. Consequently, library and librarian roles are expanding into new areas such as open data, open educational resources and open infrastructure.
In this webinar, Elsevier product managers will present tools that enable more inclusive, collaborative and transparent research.
•The library as publisher of OERs and OA journals with Digital Commons
•Open access content discovery in ScienceDirect and Scopus
•Open journal metrics: CiteScore, SNIP and SJR
•Publishing research outputs openly in Mendeley Data and SSRN
A Toolkit for an Immersive VR/AR Experience: The Verb Collective–the-verb-collective
The Verb Collective is an open set of VR/AR assets built on Unity and designed to help nonprogrammers (arts and humanities students) that quickly transform ideas into 3D experiences. Learn how the Verb Collective is used in the classroom and explore templates to create your own action assets.
Outcomes: Help new VR/AR users quickly create their own 3D experiences using the Verb Collective framework * Access and install the framework * Add to the framework by using a simple verb-based template to outline new actions
5 Reasons Why Lecture Capture Never Goes Out of Style
October 8, 10AM Central Time
Bill Cherne, VP Customer Success & Support, Sonic Foundry, has 20 years experience in both the AV and digital media industry and in managing and deploying enterprise applications and infrastructure. He has worked with Fortune 500 enterprises including American Family Insurance, Ford Motor Company, Ford Treasury and Ernst & Young, administering server infrastructures and providing consultation and design services for major software applications. In 2006, Bill joined Sonic Foundry and today leads the sales engineering team responsible for providing consultation and implementation services for Mediasite deployments and delivering customer-focused training solutions
Tammy Jackson is the Vice President of Marketing & Communications at Sonic Foundry. Tammy oversees the efforts of the company’s marketing team, developing the marketing, communication and community strategies to drive lead generation, build brand awareness and foster customer loyalty. Prior to Sonic Foundry, Tammy worked as a broadcast and print journalist for more than a decade, where she honed her passion for sharing the stories of others. She’s parlayed that passion into sharing customer successes as they creatively integrate academic and enterprise multi-media into their daily lives.
more on Lecture Capture in this IMS blog
with Melanie Guentzel, Director of Graduate Student Services,
when: Tue, Jan. 22, 2 PM
where: Plymouth campus on Zoom:
who: new international graduate students at SCSU
students in Engineering Management, Regulatory Affairs, and Applied Clinical Research.
Access the library from a distance:
Research and Writing Tips
Digital fluency