Archive of ‘LinkedIn’ category
employment for college graduates
Yesterday, we shared information about the new Coffee App
which offers easy approach to job search.
Please have the following article regarding LinkedIn and their approach to job search
Ranking and Networking
The new Linkedin ranking system ( tracks the success of college graduates in eight broad career paths, adding weight for jobs deemed “desirable.” It lists the top 25 institutions in each career category.
LinkedIn is ranking only a tiny swath of the academy.
LinkedIn also released a social networking application for prospective students to chat with each other about colleges, and to talk with current students.
Coffee (the App)
Looking for a job or internship? Try Coffee
Coffee (the App) Is the Love Child of Tinder and LinkedIn
the idea that it would be useful to build an app with a similar interface to Tinder, but one that was dedicated to networking instead of hooking up.
30 Little-Known Features of the Social Media Sites
30 Little-Known Features of the Social Media Sites You Use Every Day
5 Little-Known Facebook Features
1. Save links to read for later
2. Follow rather than friend
3. Manage Your “Posts to Page”
4. Reorder your page sections
5. Fast advanced stats for any page post
Assorted useful features
Receive email from your Facebook email address.
Download everything you’ve ever done on Facebook.
Check your “other” messages.
Pin a post to the top of your page.
Feature your page owners and liked pages.
Secret emoji. Here are fun tips for Facebook secret emoji.
- (y) = thumbs-up ‘like’ symbol
- (^^^) = a great white shark
- :|] = a robot
- :poop: = well, you know
- <(“) = a penguin
- :Putnam: = the head of former Facebook engineer, Chris Putnam who left the company in 2010
5 Little-Known Twitter Features
1. Create a collection of tweets
2. Tag people in your photos
3. Create a Twitter photo collage
4. Manage Twitter via SMS
- D [username] + message – sends that person a Direct Message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive.
- SET LOCATION [place name] – updates the location field in your profile. Example: set location San Francisco
- GET [username] – retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by that person. You can also use g [username] to get a user’s latest Tweet. Examples: get goldman or g goldman.
- FOLLOW [username]: allows you to start following a specific user, as well as receive SMS notifications. Example:FOLLOW jerry
5. Mute Feature
5 Little-Known Google+ Features
1. Run a poll in G+
2. Save posts to empty circles for future reference
3. Share your circles with others
4. Create a photo slideshow that links to your avatar
When someone clicks on your profile picture from your profile page, they’ll see an entire photo album of pictures. You can control what appears in this photo album.
In the Photos menu, scroll or search for the Profile Photos collection. Then add, edit, and arrange the photos in this set.
5. Use a GIF as your profile pic or cover photo
This one’s super simple: Just upload it!
5 Little-Known LinkedIn Features
1. Download a list of your connections
2. Display media files on your profile
3. Message someone you’re not connected with
4. Save a job search
5. Create a tickler file with LinkedIn Relationship notes
5 Little-Known Pinterest Features
1. Set up a secret board
2. Rearrange the order of your boards
3. View all the latest pins from your website (or others)
4. Customize your cover images
5. Pin with a friend
5 Little-Known Instagram Features
1. Where to view Instagram photos online
2. Save an image
3. Add a border to your image
4. How to make a collage
5. How to repost an Instagram photo
Which of these little-known features did you know already?
Which of your favorite hidden gems would you like to share?
Twitter job-search
SCSU students are given the narrow choice of MN e-Folio.
Since it is a MnSCU supported service, few students are exposed to additional information about the possibility of using LinkedIn as an electronic portfolio, and, respectively, tool for finding employment. An increasing number of SCSU students circumvent even the LinkedIn possibility and search for jobs using Twitter. Here is an article, which reflects a tendency, I have been observing for the past 2 years.
Be Twitter-savvy in your job search
To increase your chances of getting the attention of a recruiter on Twitter, follow these three tips:
- Be strategic about your bio.
- Be relevant (and use discretion)
- Engage with the recruiter you followed.
This Week in Social Media: Vine Introduces New Camera. Twitter add features,
This Week in Social Media:
Vine becomes more complex/potent and gets in closer competition with YouTube, Twitter gets in a closer closer competition with Facebook, YouTube becomes more complex, Facebook is further pushing adds in our lives, LinkedIn gets closer with SlideShare
Vine Introduces New Camera: “The new camera offers powerful ways to edit your videos, as well as the ability to import existing videos on your phone and turn them into Vines.”
Twitter Updates Timeline Feed: “Additionally, when we identify a tweet, an account to follow or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see tweets from accounts you don’t follow.”
YouTube Updates App: “This YouTube app on TV will make it easier to find what you want through the Guide, and it brings you all the playlists, shelves and branding from channels.”
Facebook Updates Ad Policy: The change increases “the number of times people can see ads from a page in their news feed per day.”
LinkedIn Announces Rollout of Premium Features to All SlideShare Users: “Now, all users will have access to our most popular premium features that include detailed analytics, profile customization and additional upload options, like video and private uploads.”
the right social media for your business
How to Choose the Right Social Network for Your Business
Important questions to ask when choosing a social network:
- Does it make sense for my content? (See the seven types of networks listed above.)
- Do potential fans spend time there? (See the demographic information above.)
- Does it make sense for me?
Social Media. LinkedIn – bibliography
- Baron, S., Richardson, B., Earles, D., & Khogeer, Y. (2011). Harketing academics and practitioners: Towards togetherness. Journal Of Customer Behaviour, 10(3), 291-304.
The discussion points to the need for new ways of making academic research accessible if it is to have a greater impact on practice. Accessibility should not be at the expense of normal, academic rigour. It could take various forms such as new submission categories for journal. articles, the development of new blogging communities, and other means of fostering the practitioner/academic dialogue. The paper concludes by requesting the engagement of the entire marketing community to participate in a new discussion group onLinkedIn that has been specifically set up to foster dialogue and encourage progress - Berk, R. A. (2013). LINKEDIN TRILOGY: Part 1. Top 10 Reasons You Should NOT Join LinkedIn Professional Network!. Journal Of Faculty Development, 27(2), 62. - Paul, J., Baker, H. M., & Cochran, J. (2012). Effect of online social networking on student academic performance.Computers In Human Behavior, 28(6), 2117-2127. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2012.06.016
#SocialMedia and students place a higher value on the technologies their instructors use effectively in the classroom. a negative impact of social media usage on academic performance. rather CONSERVATIVE conclusions.
Students should be made aware of the detrimental impact of online social networking on their potential academic performance. In addition to recommending changes in social networking related behavior based on our study results, findings with regard to relationships between academic performance and factors such as academic competence, time management skills, attention span, etc., suggest the need for academic institutions and faculty to put adequate emphasis on improving the student’s ability to manage time efficiently and to develop better study strategies. This could be achieved via workshops and seminars that familiarize and train students to use new and intuitive tools such as online calendars, reminders, etc. For example, online calendars are accessible in many devices and can be setup to send a text message or email reminder of events or due dates. There are also online applications that can help students organize assignments and task on a day-to-day basis. Further, such workshops could be a requirement of admission to academic programs. In the light of our results on relationship between attention span and academic performance, instructors could use mandatory policies disallowing use of phones and computers unless required for course purposes. My note: I completely disagree with the this decision: it can be argued that instructors must make their content delivery more engaging and thus, electronic devices will not be used for distraction. - Brand, P., & Arasteh, S. (2013). USING LINKEDIN and TWITTER for JOB SEARCH and CAREER MANAGEMENT.Career Planning & Adult Development Journal, 29(3), 33. - Tachibana, C. (2014). A Scientist’s Guide to Social Media. Science, 343(6174), 1032-1035. doi:10.1126/science.opms.r1400141
the use of social media by scientists who may or may not be introverted, focusing on the potential professional benefits of online communities such as the professional networking website LinkedIn as of February 2014. Topics include the social network Facebook, the microblogging website Twitter, and peer review networks. - Beech, M. (2014). Key Issue – How to share and discuss your research successfully online. Insights: The UKSG Journal, 27(1), 92-95. doi:10.1629/2048-7754.142
the dissemination of academic research over the internet and presents five tenets to engage the audience online. It comments on targeting an audience for the research and suggests the online social networks Twitter,LinkedIn, and ResearchGate as venues. It talks about the need to relate work with the target audience and examines the use of storytelling and blogs. It mentions engaging in online discussions and talks about open access research
Social Media Dimensions Blueprint
Social Media Dimensions Blueprint
While Twitter suggests that you upload an image that is 1500 x 500px, some have found that the optimal size seems to be 1500 x 421px.
Facebook’s referral traffic share grew over 37% in Q1 2014, Pinterest was up 48%, Twitter increased only 1%
Facebook’s referral traffic share grew over 37% in Q1 2014, Pinterest was up 48%, Twitter increased only 1%
Once again, the real winner here is Facebook, Pinterest may be able to challenge it soon though, as it is now driving just over a third of the traffic Facebook is.