Mastery of Library Instruction badge
Greetings all,
From your embedded librarian.
My name is Plamen Miltenoff ( and I am InforMedia Specialist with the SCSU Library (
Dr. Sivaprakasam and I are developing a microcredentialing system for your class.
The “library” part has several components:
- One badge for your ability to use the databases and find reliable scientific information in your field (required)
- One badge for your ability to use social media for a serious, reliable, scientific research (required)
- One badge for using the D2L “embedded librarian” widget to contact the librarian with questions regarding your class research (optional)
- One badge for helping class peer with his research (optional)
Collecting two of the required and one of the optional badges let you earn the superbadge “Mastery of Library Instruction.”
The superbadge brings points toward your final grade.
paper handouts workshops Fall 2019 IMS instructional sessions
For the remaining of the class, please collect the superbadge by: