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26 Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Updates

26 Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Updates

#1: Attention-Grabbing Quotes

#2: Book Recommendations

#3: Celebrate Company Milestones

#4: Dates That Are Fun Celebrations

#5: Evergreen Content

#6: Feature Hashtagged Events

#7: Giveaways and Contests

#8: Help Out by Answering Questions

#9: Interview Staff Members

#10: Jokes and Lighthearted Posts

#11: Kids’ Photos

#12: Link to Useful Content

#13: Mention Others in Your Industry

#14: Negative Posts (Generally Avoid!)

#15: Outtakes and Mistakes

#17: Questions for Your Audience

#18: Reply to Messages

#19: Share Other People’s Updates

#20: Thank Someone Who Helped Out

#21: Ultimate Lists of Resources

#22: Visual Content

#23: Weekly Themed Posts

#24: X vs. Y

#25: “You” (Your Audience)

#26: Zen-Like Calm When Responding

Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Update


This Week in Social Media: Vine Introduces New Camera. Twitter add features,

This Week in Social Media:

Vine becomes more complex/potent and gets in closer competition with YouTube, Twitter gets in a closer closer competition with Facebook, YouTube becomes more complex, Facebook is further pushing adds in our lives, LinkedIn gets closer with SlideShare

Vine Introduces New Camera: “The new camera offers powerful ways to edit your videos, as well as the ability to import existing videos on your phone and turn them into Vines.”

Twitter Updates Timeline Feed: “Additionally, when we identify a tweet, an account to follow or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see tweets from accounts you don’t follow.”

YouTube Updates App: “This YouTube app on TV will make it easier to find what you want through the Guide, and it brings you all the playlists, shelves and branding from channels.”

Facebook Updates Ad Policy: The change increases “the number of times people can see ads from a page in their news feed per day.”

LinkedIn Announces Rollout of Premium Features to All SlideShare Users: “Now, all users will have access to our most popular premium features that include detailed analytics, profile customization and additional upload options, like video and private uploads.”

the right social media for your business

How to Choose the Right Social Network for Your Business
the Right Social Network for Your Business

Important questions to ask when choosing a social network:

  1. Does it make sense for my content? (See the seven types of networks listed above.)
  2. Do potential fans spend time there? (See the demographic information above.)
  3. Does it make sense for me?

Social Media Trivia in infographics

Time spent on social media
time spent

A brand’s story online is best framed online with photos and videos

A brand's story online is best framed online with photos and videos

Which content works on Facebook
Which content works on Facebook

What do you say on social media?
What do you say on social media?

Re-purpose content for social media

Re-purpose content for social media

Best time to be active on social media

Best time to be active on social media
Best time to be active on social media

Social Media: Yo

Yo Is Now Being Used To Update Israelis On Missile Attacks
Several months ago, people on the streets of Venezuela used “Zello” to replace blocked Twitter and FB:
Political upheavals can provide great ideas for application of social media in daily life

Social Media: Orkut – the end of an era…

Some [many] of you might have received the email on the bottom of this IMS blog

Orkut (, created by a Turkish computer specialist was a strong contestant of Facebook and MySpace ( in the early days when Mark Zuckerberg was only a college kid. While LinkedIn was brought to oblivion by Facebook and reinvented itself as a site for selfstarters/artist, Orkut became the “Facebook” for Brazil and India.
Purchased by Google in 2008, it was doomed when Google+ came to existence.

Pulling the plug on Orkut signifies closes the first chapter on the history of social media

From: orkut <>
Date: July 5, 2014 at 2:30:29 AM CDT
Subject: A Farewell to Orkut
Reply-To: orkut <>

A Farewell to Orkut

After ten years of sparking conversations and forging connections, we have decided it’s time for us to start saying goodbye to Orkut. Over the past decade, YouTube, Blogger and Google+ have taken off, with communities springing up in every corner of the world. Because the growth of these communities has outpaced Orkut’s growth, we’ve decided to focus our energy and resources on making these other social platforms as amazing as possible for everyone who uses them.

We will shut down Orkut on September 30, 2014. Until then, there will be no impact on you, so you may have time to manage the transition. You can export your profile data, community posts and photos using Google Takeout (available until September 2016). We are preserving an archive of all public communities, which will be available online starting September 30, 2014. If you don’t want your posts or name to be included in the community archive, you can remove Orkut permanently from your Google account. Please visit our Help Center for any further details.

It’s been a great 10 years, and we apologize to those of you still actively using the service. We hope you will find other online communities to spark more conversations and build even more connections for the next decade and beyond.

Social Media: How to Write a Social Media Policy to Empower Employees

How to Write a Social Media Policy to Empower Employees

Why a Social Media Policy?

Research shows that a majority of employees are willing to share company information—they’re just not sure what to share because they don’t want to get in trouble.
A constructive company-wide social media policy will answer questions and encourage employees to add support on social media whenever possible.

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