Facebook, Microsoft, Meta

Microsoft Teams enters the metaverse race with 3D avatars and immersive meetings

Microsoft and Meta are on a collision course for metaverse competition By Tom Warren@tomwarren Nov 2, 2021, 11:00am EDT


Microsoft Mesh always felt like the future of Microsoft Teams meetings, and now it’s starting to come to life in the first half of 2022. Microsoft is building on efforts like Together Mode and other experiments for making meetings more interactive, after months of people working from home and adjusting to hybrid work.


Facebook wants to build a metaverse. Microsoft is creating something even more ambitious

Rather than ruling one metaverse, Microsoft wants its Mesh platform to be the glue that holds a multiverse of many worlds together.

Microsoft has been developing its own take on the metaverse through Mesh for several years now in conjunction with the launch of its Hololens AR headset.

Microsoft connects people across any device (smartphones, laptops, headsets, etc.) into shared spaces where they can all interact, no matter how they may have dialed in.

Microsoft imagines Teams as a prototype for the metaverse, where companies can set up their own spaces. Rather than rule its own metaverse as Meta/Facebook aspires to, Microsoft sees its role with Mesh in providing the foundational glue that helps hold a multiverse of worlds together. This is not just a philosophical view on technology. Microsoft’s Mesh is built to allow companies to use APIs, much like apps can on the iPhone today, to help a company build its metaverse and have a persistent identity across all these metaverses.


more on metaverse in this IMS blog

H5P Virtual Tour plugin

A very low lift project that I’ve used in First Year seminar courses is the development of 360 virtual tours.
Here is one example:
Students use 360 Cameras (Insta360 One X) which are very user friendly, and create the tours using WordPress and the H5P Virtual Tour plugin.
Dan Bennett (he/him)

Senior Educational Media Producer
Learning, Research & Technology
Smith College, Neilson Library 009H
Northampton, MA 01063
(413) 585-3473 | dbennett@smith.edu


#DLFteach Toolkit Volume 2: Lesson Plans on Immersive Pedagogy

The Digital Library Federation’s recently published #DLFteach Toolkit Volume 2: Lesson Plans on Immersive Pedagogy may be of interest to some of you.

“The #DLFteach Toolkit 2.0 focuses on lesson plans to facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary work engaged with 3D technology. As 3D/VR technology becomes relevant to a wide range of scholarly disciplines and teaching context, libraries are proving well-suited to coordinating the dissemination and integration of this technology across the curriculum. For our purposes, 3D technology includes, but is not limited to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, 3D modeling and scanning software, 3D game engines and WebGL platforms, as well as 3D printers and extruders. While 3D/VR/AR technologies demonstrate real possibilities for collaborative, multidisciplinary learning, they are also fraught with broader concerns prevalent today about digital technologies.”


Dalton, C. (2021). 3D Modeling for Historical Reconstruction. #DLFteach. Retrieved from https://dlfteach.pubpub.org/pub/vol2-dalton-3d-modeling-for-historical-reconstruction


Clark, J. L. (2021). Creating an Equally Effective Alternative Action Plan for Immersive Technologies. #DLFteach. Retrieved from https://dlfteach.pubpub.org/pub/vol2-clark-creating-an-equally-effective-alternative-action-plan


trustworthiness of science

Is Scientific Communication Fit for Purpose?

problems is scientific misconduct and fraud, which, it is important to note, is perpetuated by scientists themselves. This category includes scientists who use fraudulent datainappropriately manipulate images, and otherwise fake experimental results. Publishers have been investing increasingly to block bad contributions at the point of submission through editorial review and more is almost certainly needed, likely a combination of automated and human review. Another form of misconduct is the failure to disclose conflicts of interest, which, notwithstanding efforts by publishers to strengthen disclosure guidelines, have continued to be disclosed “too little too late,”

Beyond individual misconduct, there are also organized and systematic challenges. We are seeing “organized fraud” and “industrialized cheating” to manipulate the scientific record to advance self-interests. These choreographed efforts include citation malpracticepaper millspeer review rings, and guest editor frauds. And, even if it does not rise to the level of misconduct, we have seen the use of methods and practices that make substantial portions of at least some fields impossible to reproduce and therefore of dubious validity. Whether individual, organized, or systematic, all these are threats to scientific integrity.

Extended Reality Higher Education

Extended Reality Tools Can Bring New Life to Higher Education


Zoom, Teams, Skype, and FaceTime all became daily fixtures, and many of us quickly became fatigued by seeing our colleagues, students and far-away loved ones almost exclusively in 2D. Most video conferencing solutions were not designed to be online classrooms. what is missing from the current video platforms that could improve online teaching: tools to better facilitate student interactions, including enhanced polling and quizzing features, group work tools, and more.

While universities continue to increase in-person and HyFlex courses, hoping to soon see campuses return to normalcy, there is mounting evidence that the increased interest in digital tools for teaching and learning will persist even after the pandemic.

We should move beyond 2D solutions and take advantage of what extended reality (XR) and virtual reality (VR) have to offer us.

Professor Courtney Cogburn created the 1,000 Cut Journey, an immersive VR research project that allows participants to embody an avatar that experiences various forms of racism. Professor Shantanu Lal has implemented VR headsets for pediatric dentistry patients who become anxious during procedures. At Columbia Engineering, professor Steven Feiner’s Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab explores the design and development of 2D and 3D user interfaces for a broad range of applications and devices. Professor Letty Moss-Salentijn is working with Feiner’s lab to create dental training simulations to guide dental students through the process of nerve block injection. Faculty, students and staff at Columbia’s Media Center for Art History have created hundreds of virtual reality panoramas of archaeology projects and fieldwork that are available on the Art Atlas platform.

In spring 2020, a group of Columbia students began to build “LionCraft,” a recreation of Columbia’s Morningside campus in Minecraft. Even though students were spread out around the world, they still found creative and fun ways to run into each other on campus, in an immersive online format.

Bank Of America TVR Soft Skills Training

Bank Of America Turns To VR For Soft Skills Training


Created by The Academy—Bank of America’s award-winning onboarding, training, and development organization—the program is part of the company’s commitment to providing the most cutting-edge professional development tools to their employees to ensure they are successful in their roles.

400 employees using the Oculus Go. According to the report, 97% of the participants left feeling more confident in their abilities.

In a 2019 article published by the Academy of International Extended Reality (AIXR), research showed that success in your job and your ability to grow in that role was based on 15% hard skills and 85% soft skills.

male college crisis is the lack of completion

In 1972, when the U.S. government passed the landmark Title IX laws to promote gender equality in education, there was a 12 percentage-point gap in the proportion of bachelor’s degrees going to men compared to women. By 1982, the gap had closed. Nobody predicted what happened next: the gap started to widen rapidly in the opposite direction. By 2019, the gender gap in bachelor awards was wider, at 14 points, than it had been in 1972 — but the other way round. (We are not claiming here that Title IX had much impact, however).

To Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men, it is “the strangest and most profound change of the century, even more so because it is unfolding in a similar way pretty much all over the world.”

Importantly, there is a gender gap not only in rates of college enrollment, as we described earlier in the year, and recently highlighted in the Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic, but also in rates of completion among those who do enroll.

College enrollment is falling, mostly among men

the gender gap widened significantly in 2020.

College enrollment has steadily declined following the Great Recession, with total enrollment among both men and women decreasing each year from 2012 to 2020. But many more women than men were enrolling in college when rates began to fall in 2012 (11.6 million women were enrolled at the time, compared to 8.6 million men). If the relative decline among men and women had been similar, we would expect the gender gap in enrollment rates to remain constant. Instead, the fall 2020 decline in male enrollment eclipsed the decline in female enrollment for the fifth year in a row and the gender gap in enrollment is widening. COVID-19 accelerated this trend.

Women graduate high school and college at higher rates

Education gaps across the lifecycle

Men born from 1955 to 1974 (ages 45-64 in 2019) who likely wrapped up their postsecondary education decades ago, attained bachelor’s and graduate degrees at a similar rate to women in their age group. By contrast, older men born before 1955 had higher educational attainment than women, and younger men born after 1974 seem to be consistently outpaced by women their age.

Class, gender and the education gap

84% of students from the top income quintile enroll in any college in the fall after high school graduation compared to 72% of students in the middle class and 63% of students in the bottom income quintile.

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