emotional value of immersive virtual reality in education

Makransky, G., & Lilleholt, L. (2018). A structural equation modeling investigation of the emotional value of immersive virtual reality in education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1141–1164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-018-9581-2
an affective path in which immersion predicted presence and positive emotions, and a cognitive path in which immersion fostered a positive cognitive value of the task in line with the control value theory of achievement emotions.
business analyses and reports (e.g., Belini et al. 2016; Greenlight and Roadtovr 2016), predict that virtual reality (VR) could be the biggest future computing platform of all time.
better understanding of the utility and impact of VR when it is applied in an educational context.
several different VR systems exist, including cave automatic virtual envi-ronment (CAVE), head mounted displays (HMD) and desktop VR. CAVE is a projection-based VR system with display-screen faces surrounding the user (Cruz-Neira et al. 1992). As the user moves around within the bounds of the CAVE, the correct perspective and stereo projections of the VE are displayed on the screens. The user wears 3D glasses insidethe CAVE to see 3D structures created by the CAVE, thus allowing for a very lifelikeexperience. HMD usually consist of a pair of head mounted goggles with two LCD screens portraying the VE by obtaining the user ́s head orientation and position from a tracking system (Sousa Santos et al. 2008). HMD may present the same image to both eyes (monoscopic), or two separate images (stereoscopic) making depth perception possible. Like the CAVE, HMD offers a very realistic and lifelike experience by allowing the user to be completely surrounded by the VE. As opposed to CAVE and HMD, desktop VR does not allow the user to be surrounded by the VE. Instead desktop VR enables the user to interact with a VE displayed on a computer monitor using keyboard, mouse, joystick or touch screen (Lee and Wong 2014; Lee et al. 2010).
the use of simulations results in at least as good or better cognitive outcomes and attitudes
toward learning than do more traditional teaching methods (Bayraktar 2000; Rutten et al.
2012; Smetana and Bell 2012; Vogel et al. 2006). However, a recent report concludes that
there are still many questions that need to be answered regarding the value of simulations
in education (Natioan Research Council 2011). In the past, virtual learning simulations
were primarily accessed through desktop VR. With the increased use of immersive VR it is
now possible to obtain a much higher level of immersion in the virtual world, which
enhances many virtual experiences (Blascovich and Bailenson 2011).

an understanding of how to harness the emotional appeal of e-learning tools is a central issue for learning and instruction, since research shows that initial situ-ational interest can be a first step in promoting learning
several educational theories that describe the affective, emotional, and motivational factors that play a role in multimedia learning which are relevant for understanding the role of immersion in VR learning environments.

the cognitive-affective theory of learning with media (Moreno and
Mayer 2007),


the integrated cognitive affective model of learning with multimedia
(ICALM; Plass and Kaplan 2016)

control-value theory of achievement emotion CVTAE

Presence, intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, and control and active learning are the affective factors used in this study. defintions

The sample consisted of 104 students (39 females and 65 males; average age =23.8 years)
from a large European university.

immersive VR (Samsung Gear VR with Samsung Galaxy S6) and
the desktop VR version of a virtual laboratory simulation (on a standard computer). The
participants were randomly assigned to two groups: the first used the immersive VR
followed by the desktop VR version, and the second used the two platforms in the opposite

The VR learning simulation used in this experiment was developed by the company Labster and designed to facilitate learning within the field of biology at a university level. The VR simulation was based on a realistic murder case in which the participants were required to investigate a crime scene, collect blood samples and perform DNA analysis in a high-tech laboratory in order to identify and implicate the murderer

 we conclude that the emotional value of the immersive VR version of the learning simulation is significantly greater than the desktop VR version. This is a major empirical contribution of this study.


virtual reality course integration

Cook, M., & Lischer-Katz, Z. (2021). Practical steps for an effective virtual reality course integration. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/10691316.2021.1923603
compelling precedents for the use of VR in the classroom, including from disciplines like architecture (Angulo 2 M. COOK AND Z. LISCHER-KATZ 2013; Milovanovic et al. 2017; Kuliga et al. 2015), anthropology (Lischer- Katz, Cook, and Boulden 2018), and medicine (Jang et al. 2017; Bharathan et al. 2013; Trelease and Rosset 2008). Relatedly, several projects have also created immersive VR environments that replicate historical places, includ-
ing the Virtual Harlem Project at the University of Arizona (Johnson et al. 2002; Park et al. 2001); Rohwer Rising project by the Center for Advanced Spatial Technology at the University of Arkansas; the Virtual Blockson pro- ject at Temple University Libraries (Clark and Wermer-Colan 2018); and a virtual reality experience of the May Massee Collection at Emporia State University (Lund and Scribner 2019). These projects offer exciting examples
of how VR has new storytelling potential that can enhance the impact of teaching for educators and librarians in both technical and humanistic fields of study.

Technology Acceptance Model

Chandrasekera, T. (n.d.). Using Augmented Reality Prototypes in Design Education. Design and Technology Education an International Journal. Retrieved October 12, 2021, from https://www.academia.edu/28187340/Using_Augmented_Reality_Prototypes_in_Design_Education

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is the most widely used theoretical framework that looks at technology acceptance and there have been different iterations of the basic model (Fig 3). The two main variables that TAM incorporates are Perceived usefulness and Perceived ease of  use (Davis ,1989). The Technology acceptance model was developed in order to identify the user’s intention and bias to use a particular technology based upon its qualities of usefulness and ease of use

The survey was based on the Technology Acceptance Model and contained questions that were modified but previously used in other questionnaires. Technology Acceptance questionnaires contain questions on Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) and Perceived Usability (PU) of the technology as well as the Intent to Use (IU) it later on. For the question “I think I would like to use Augmented Reality in my designs frequently” while 45% agreed or strongly agreed, 45% either disagreed or strongly disagreed.
More on Technology Acceptance Model in this blog

Supporting Academic research

ExLibris Report: “Exploring the Challenges of Researchers and Research Offices”

  • COVID-19 has affected research funding significantly, with STEM fields seeing an increase in funding, while in the humanities, social sciences, and arts, funding is declining.
  • Funding remains a key challenge for researchers.
  • The showcasing of research and expertise is increasing in importance 
  • Research office members and researchers differ in the way in which they measure research impact.
  • The administrative burden on researchers continues to be a major challenge. Seven out of 10 researchers spend at least 30% of their time on administrative tasks. The core expertise of libraries and research offices is still underutilized.
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration is high on researchers’ agenda, with 37% of researchers saying that most or all of their work involves interdisciplinary collaboration. This figure aligns somewhat with research office priorities; 25% of research office leaders stated that promoting interdisciplinary collaboration is a priority.
  • Researchers expect more from their library than in 2020. Although 61% of researchers expressed satisfaction with the support they receive from their institution’s library, they expect more assistance than in 2020, especially with data-related services and services such as publication depositing.
  • Collaboration between research offices and libraries has risen in 2021.

More on academic research in this blog

Virtual reality training

Benefits of Virtual Reality Training

According to a 2021 report, 75% of business leaders anticipate using Augmented or Virtual Reality by 2023. VR Training solutions have become a powerful way to revamp traditional training methods, and it’s as cost-effective

Baylor study took 20 subjects and taught them a fire safety procedure. Half with traditional methods (video presentation and reading) and half with a VR training experience. A week after their training they were all given a memory test with mock scenarios, and 70% of the VR group performed the right sequence of steps compared to 20% of the video group.

With VR, virtual environments can house as many pieces of hardware at whatever scale you’d like all at the same cost. Especially once a framework has been developed, adding new procedures, objects, or environments to your training can be designed and deployed within a few days.

Another one of the benefits of VR training is the ability for trainees to learn what they need to at their pace. If a certain training scenario is a challenge, it’s easy to reset a scenario from the beginning. If a trainee is confident in a process, they can jump to a final procedure test.

Virtual Reality allows for a risk-free environment, allowing learners to prepare themselves and train in these stressful situations without the possibility of danger.

During a VR experience, trainees can be exposed to stressful situations in safe conditions. Over time, these experiences reduce the stress or fear response of that stimuli, allowing learners to gain confidence in real scenarios. The increased multi-sensory aspect of an immersive experience can be incredibly similar to real-life stressors. In addition, there exists the ability to have controlled exposure of these situations based on the learner’s own limits.

As more sophisticated data collecting methods are being developed, such as eye or facial tracking, more metrics can be used to understand how people are reacting to VR training. This is probably most sought after in soft skills training, where emotional input plays a larger role.

VR headsets can be implemented remotely, greatly reducing the requirement for in-person training.

More on virtual reality training in this IMS blog

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