Artwork for GMoL S2E12 Greeks with Donald Clark
GREAT MINDS ON LEARNINGGMoL S2E12 Greeks with Donald Clark
00:01:13 / 01:14:51
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At the very origin of our ideas of about learning, as well so much else that defines our culture, lies the extraordinary flowering of thought and discovery centred on Athens from the fifth to the second century BC. This episode takes us back to the very earliest group of thinkers this series will cover, the ancient Greeks.
- 1:02 – Introducing the Greeks
- 11:36 – Socrates (c. 470–399 BC)
- 23:34 -Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC)
- 34:06 – Aristotle (384–322 BC)
- 47:25 – Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)
- 53:57 – Euclid (c. 325 – c. 270 BC)
- 57:46 – Archimedes (c. 287 – c. 212 BC)
- 1:05:41 – Summing Up
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes
Here Are the Top 10 Job Skills for 2025
he two highest-ranked spots went to skills that didn’t appear at all on WEF’s previous list: 1) analytical thinking and innovation, and 2) active learning and learning strategies. Another skill cluster that didn’t make the previous list debuted at No. 5 — resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility.
“The pace of technology adoption is expected to remain unabated and may accelerate in some areas,” including the use of robots and artificial intelligence, the report said. Most businesses — 84 percent — plan to accelerate the digitalization of work processes and the use of digital tools, such as video conferencing,
- Analytical thinking and innovation
- Active learning and learning strategies
- Complex problem-solving
- Critical thinking and analysis
- Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility
- Creativity, originality, and initiative
- Leadership and social influence
- Reasoning, problem-solving, and ideation
- Emotional intelligence
- Technology design and programming
compare to 2015
Karagiorgi, Y., & Symeou, L. (2005). Translating Constructivism into Instructional Design: Potential and Limitations. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 8(1), 17–27.
p. 18 Knowledge for constructivism cannot be imposed or transferred intact from the mind of one knower to the mind of another. Therefore, learning and teaching cannot be synonymous: we can teach, even well, without having students learn
p. 19 In the traditional approach, the instructional designer analyses the conditions – such as the content, the learner, and the instructional setting – which bear on the instructional system, in preparation for the specification of intended learning outcomes. In the constructivist approach, the instructional content cannot be pre-specified. Constructivist designers avoid the breaking down of context into component parts as traditional instructional designers do, but are in favour of environments in which knowledge, skills, and complexity exist naturally.
The goal, for instance, is not to teach a particular version of history, but to teach someone how to think like a historian.
p. 19 In traditional instruction, this phase involves the design of a sequence to achieve specified performance objectives.
Yiasemina Karagiorgi