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higher ed predictors for 2022

14 Predictions for Higher Education in 2022

Forget Hyflex

our faculty will discover that effectively teaching in a hyflex environment without adequate support is extremely difficult and truly exhausting.

Adapt Hyflex — and Be Ready for Anything (security)

Move Beyond Zoom into the Metaverse

Reap the Rewards of 2 Years of Strategic Decision-Making

campus leaders who have intentionally put students at the center of organization and system design will reap a great reward.

Expect More Disruption and More Innovation

look for movement in the augmented and virtual reality space.

Online Ed Becomes the Norm

online education will become the norm rather than the step-sister of “traditional” education

Build Off the Threads that Are Here to Stay

Alternatives Will Continue Gaining Ground

The cultures within institutions may prevent these significant changes from occurring. If that occurs, alternatives will continue to build momentum.

Emphasize Choice and Support

Alumni will be looking for upskilling opportunities via microcredentials, to navigate growth and career change during the “Great Resignation.” Recent high school grads will expect a variety of online, hybrid and in-person courses to choose from, many bringing with them years of experience with virtual learning.

Students Need Faster Routes to Completion

Climate Change Ed Gets Embedded

Hybrid Learning Tech Will Step Up

many lecture theaters might come to look like professional TV studios, to meet growing quality and usability expectations. Also, technologies will likely be expected to make classrooms environments more “peer-learning friendly” and inclusive

Blockchain Will Gain Ed Pickup

The (Arizon State) university announced that in 2022 it would release Pocket, a digital wallet for students as a comprehensive learner record.

Remote Learning Power and Privilege

How Remote Learning Subverts Power and Privilege in Higher Education

It is important to use the lessons of this transition to challenge what Paulo Freire calls “the banking system” of education—where professors aim to simply deposit knowledge into students—and instead create inclusive pedagogies that acknowledge the diversity of our students and provide a safe space that invites them to speak up. Decolonization is not just about removing a few dead white men from our syllabi, or adding more women of color. It’s about making sure that everyone’s experience is represented. It’s about decentering the traditional power hierarchy in the classroom, so that the professor is not the sole transmitter of knowledge who imposes a singular (and often Western) view. It’s about ensuring equitable participation among students, so that they don’t remain silent and passive receivers whose varied life experiences are dismissed.

In a Zoom classroom, the teacher is no longer the central authority. Chat offers real-time parallel participation. The ability to enter and exit at will equalizes power.

Even before the pandemic, many educators knew that the traditional methods of teaching and research would have to be overhauled at some point. As a professor of humanities, I had been aware of the need to employ hybrid pedagogies more in tune with the digital age and shortened, over-stimulated attention spans. Advantages to joining students in their digital space far outweigh dated arguments railing against the medium; if anything, the pandemic’s isolating effects already prompted students to seek refuge there.

At this moment, the modern university stands at a turning point. Instead of wanting to go back to how things were, we should be looking at radical pedagogical interventions that make the most of remote learning as an accompaniment to the traditional classroom experience. This is the time to put “interdisciplinary” ideas into practice by experimenting with new methodologies.


Facebook, Microsoft, Meta

Microsoft Teams enters the metaverse race with 3D avatars and immersive meetings

Microsoft and Meta are on a collision course for metaverse competition By Tom Warren@tomwarren Nov 2, 2021, 11:00am EDT

Microsoft Mesh always felt like the future of Microsoft Teams meetings, and now it’s starting to come to life in the first half of 2022. Microsoft is building on efforts like Together Mode and other experiments for making meetings more interactive, after months of people working from home and adjusting to hybrid work.


Facebook wants to build a metaverse. Microsoft is creating something even more ambitious

Rather than ruling one metaverse, Microsoft wants its Mesh platform to be the glue that holds a multiverse of many worlds together.

Microsoft has been developing its own take on the metaverse through Mesh for several years now in conjunction with the launch of its Hololens AR headset.

Microsoft connects people across any device (smartphones, laptops, headsets, etc.) into shared spaces where they can all interact, no matter how they may have dialed in.

Microsoft imagines Teams as a prototype for the metaverse, where companies can set up their own spaces. Rather than rule its own metaverse as Meta/Facebook aspires to, Microsoft sees its role with Mesh in providing the foundational glue that helps hold a multiverse of worlds together. This is not just a philosophical view on technology. Microsoft’s Mesh is built to allow companies to use APIs, much like apps can on the iPhone today, to help a company build its metaverse and have a persistent identity across all these metaverses.

more on metaverse in this IMS blog

hyflex courses for Multimodal Learning Environments

Designing Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Courses to Support Multimodal Learning Environments

badge earned for attending the course:

Multimodal Learning Environments

Neuroscience research has also revealed that „significant increases in learning can be
accomplished through the informed use of visual and verbal multimodal learning‟ (Fadel, 2008, p. 12).

Multimodal learning environments allow instructional elements to be presented in more than one  sensory mode (visual, aural, written). In turn, materials that are presented in a variety of presentation  modes may lead learners to perceive that it is easier to learn and improve attention, thus leading to improved learning performance; in particular for lowerachieving students (Chen & Fu, 2003; Moreno & Mayer, 2007; Zywno 2003).

multimodal design, in which „information (is) presented in multiple modes such as visual and auditory‟ (Chen & Fu, 2003, p.350). The major benefit of which, as identified by Picciano (2009), is that it „allows students to experience learning in ways in which they are most comfortable, while challenging them to experience and learn in other ways as well‟ (p. 13). Consequently, students may become more selfdirected, interacting with the various elements housed in these environments.

VARK learning styles inventory online to help determine their learning style (

(see motivation theory:

more on hyflex in this blog

Snobal VR collaboration app

Snobal co-founder and chief executive officer Murray James says, “Over the last 18 months we have seen a huge shift in where and how people work and study.

“The shift to a distributed workforce, along with the growth of hybrid and remote working, means business leaders are focussed on what digital tools they can best use to foster more effective workplace collaboration.”

more on VR collaborartion in this IMS blog

Academic freedom on the ropes

Academic Freedom Is on the Ropes

The attacks are coming from both the right and the left.

Stanley Fish, the literary theorist and veteran administrator, and a visiting professor of law at Yeshiva University, in New York City, thinks that most if not all academic-freedom controversies are simply unnecessary. His argument boils down to academic freedom as “the freedom to do the academic job” — no more, no less.

The assumption antagonists make, says Tiede, is that if a professor expresses a view in a public forum, she or he must be indoctrinating students. But to take punitive action, he says, a college should have to prove that there is inappropriate indoctrination in the pedagogical setting.

academic freedom diminishes not so much as a result of oppression but as stable academic jobs simply disappear. To balance their books, colleges are increasingly culling tenure lines and consolidating or eliminating departments. To fill the gap, in remote or hybrid programs, they share courses or even entire academic majors from other institutions.

more on academic freedom in trhis iMS blog

Students and Online

73 Percent of Students Prefer Some Courses Be Fully Online

Cengage‘s Digital Learning Pulse Survey, conducted by Bay View Analytics on behalf of the Online Learning ConsortiumWICHE Cooperative for Educational TechnologiesUniversity Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) and Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, polled 1,469 students and 1,286 faculty and administrators across 856 United States institutions

Sixty-eight percent of students were also in favor of some combination of in-person and online courses. On the faculty side, 57 percent said they would prefer teaching hybrid courses post-pandemic — slightly more than those who preferred teaching fully online.

both students and faculty agreed: Roughly two-thirds across the board said they would like to use more tech and digital course materials in the future.

Facilitate Effective Group Work at Business Schools

free webinar: ‘How to facilitate effective group work at business schools’ on May 5 at 1PM ET.

This webinar will gather teachers and instructional designers from business schools in a panel discussion to share and exchange ideas on improving group dynamics and social loafing in team based education.

We’re happy to welcome Mustafa Elsawy, Learning Technologist from Georgia State University and Jeff Webb, Associate Professor from David Eccles School of Business as guest speakers for the discussion to share their insights on:

  • Why and how team based learning adds value to course design;
  • The challenges of implementing and facilitating group work in online, blended and hybrid classrooms;
  • How peer feedback and peer assessment can contribute to achieve learning outcomes;
  • How to empower faculty to scale peer feedback/assessment in future courses and prepare students for the labor market

You can learn more about the event on our website and register for free here.

more on online ed in this IMS blog

redefine learning

The vast majority of emergent virtual and hybrid learning models appear to be “stuck at substitution”—that is, they seek to recreate or translate the brick-and-mortar school experience into the cloud without stopping to ask which aspects of those models may not truly serve students in the time of COVID-19 or beyond.

When we say “stuck at substitution,” some readers may recognize the SAMR model of education technology integration. The SAMR framework describes four different levels of technology use, from Substitution to Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR). At its most basic level, education technology can be used to simply substitute: to replace traditional methods of teaching and learning with ones that are digitally mediated, but are still based on the same basic structure and pedagogy.



edtech can be used for augmentation, to bring some other affordance or benefit to the teaching and learning experience—for example, when that worksheet becomes a shared Google Doc that allows for collaboration and increased critical thinking.

Redefinition means thinking beyond existing paradigms and schedules that are built for an on-campus experience. It is the opportunity to imagine entirely new ways of teaching and learning—for example, attendance policies that emphasize engagement versus seat time, blended learning models that leverage technology for anywhere, anytime learning, and instructional design that allows increased student choice and participation.

more on online learning in this IMS blog

remote learning after the pandemic

Remote Learning Will Keep a Strong Foothold Even After the Pandemic, Survey Finds

The survey, conducted between Sept. 15 and Nov. 11, included seven questions that covered areas such as staffing challenges, professional development, and approaches to the 2020-21 school year.
The survey was sent to leaders in 317 regular public-school districts and charter management organizations, who are part of RAND’s district panel. The response rate was 84 percent.

Twenty percent of district and charter management organizations said in a new survey that they had started or were planning a virtual school or fully remote option this academic year and expected those options would remain after the pandemic. Another 10 percent said the same about hybrid or blended learning, while 7 percent said some lesser version of remote learning will continue when the pandemic is in the rearview mirror.

more on the iGeneration  Generation Z, Generation Y Generation Alpha in this IMS blog

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