Posts Tagged ‘Evelien Ydo’

research in/about VR

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (CDT)

This event will be an expert panel considering research in/about VR. The experts in the panel are; Sam Reno, GĂ©raldine Perriguey, Anthony Chaston PhD and Evelien Ydo who all have presented for the research track before (biographies below, see the EDVR YouTube channel for their previous presentations). The event will be highly interactive, where the audience is welcomed to introduce topics and questions for the panel to discuss. At the end of the event there will be some time to network as well.

The Educators in VR Research Team features researchers from across the spectrum of VR/AR/XR research and development, coming together to share their knowledge, techniques, and research and learn from each other. Join us to discuss the possibilities and potential of research in VR. We host regular meetups and workshops for discussion and learning.