Posts Tagged ‘history’

The controversy over left-wing populism

The controversy over left-wing populism

by Chantal Mouffe:

recent book Le siècle du populisme (‘The Century of Populism’) (1), Pierre Rosanvallon

“populism consists in opposing a ‘pure people’ to a ‘corrupt elite’ and conceiving of politics as an immediate expression of the ‘general will’ (2) of the people.”

“There are only populisms, which explains why the notion produces so many interpretations and contradictory definitions.”

The left’s populist strategy appears particularly pertinent in the context of an exit out from the Covid-19 crisis which has been touted as a prelude for building a new social contract. This time, unlike in the 2008 crisis, a space could open up for the clash of opposing projects. A mere return to business as usual seems unlikely and the state will probably play a role that is both central and more prominent. We may witness the arrival of a ‘state capitalism’ that uses public authorities to rebuild the economy and restore the power of capital. It could take more or less authoritarian forms depending on the political forces at its helm. This scenario would signal either the victory of right-wing populist forces or neoliberalism’s defenders last-ditch attempt to ensure the survival of their model.

contrary to what Rosanvallon argues, far from threatening democracy, today left-wing populism is the best strategy if we want to orient the forces resisting a post-democratic, neoliberal order in an egalitarian direction.

more on populism in this IMS blog

history of Japan

Everything you ever wanted to know about the history of Japan, but were afraid to ask

more on history in this IMS blog

An ‘ordinary’ Nazi

An ‘ordinary’ Nazi

Historian Daniel Lee describes how the chance discovery of a cache of documents within a piece of furniture led him to uncover the life of Robert Griesinger, an ‘ordinary’ member of the SS.

more on history in this IMS blog

Economist Jeffrey Sachs and US post-election

Jeffrey Sachs was once a magnet for criticism over the market-based shock therapy he prescribed for Eastern Europe. Today, he is calling for the United States to move more in the direction of a social democracy, with Germany as a role model.

The man who was once the godfather of the birth of capitalism in Eastern Europe is now working to curb the influence of the free market in the United States. Sachs even endorsed self-proclaimed “socialist” Bernie Sanders for president.

more on history in this IMS blog

most on the Cold War in this IMS blog

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