How have you experienced the teachers move from face to face to online learning?
What is the biggest challenge created by the transition ?
How have you managed the challenge?
What are opportunities for instructors , regarding the transition to online learning ?
What have you done to ensure a smooth transition?
As previously mentioned the core of my arguments centre around the TPACK model. Based on the TPACK I propose that the move to online learning must be supported by the instatement of a Professional Development Program.
More on TRACK model and SAMR in this blog
Digital tools can transform, not just replicate, the teaching and learning experience
Commentary: The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model (SAMR) and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) models of technology implementation can help schools as they transition to using more digital tools.
By EdScoop Staff May 8, 2018 2:37 PM
Digital tools can transform, not just replicate, the teaching and learning experience
Commentary: The SAMR and TPACK models of technology implementation can help schools as they transition to using more digital tools.
By EdScoop Staff MAY 8, 2018 2:37 PM
The SAMR (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition) model and TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) model can help schools as they transition to using more digital tools.
In a recent edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, library department chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut, reviewed these models and discussed apps that can take teaching, learning and reading to the next level.
The SAMR model determines the level of technology integration of a tool: substitution, which doesn’t add value; augmentation, which adds a few features with only a little improvement; modification, which redesigns some structures; and redefinition, which allows the creation of new tasks and is the ultimate learning goal. Transformation in how educators are teaching and how students are understanding content happens in the modification and redefinition parts of the model.
MackinVIA’s Classroom allows educators to create a collection of digital content for students; build assignment around it; and share the collection, or an individual book, with the classroom. Students can also highlight text, make annotations, and save these to Google Drive.
Emerging Tech for Schools and Libraries is a free professional learning community where school librarians, teachers, and administrators can explore all the ways to integrate technology and 21st century learning into school library programs.
more on the SAMR model in this IMS blog