Searching for ""augmented reality""

AR: The cutting-edge technology

AR: The cutting-edge technology slowly changing your reality

For years, augmented reality technology has been quietly integrated into our lives. Experts believe it is ready to make the jump to the mainstream, but technical and social barriers remain.

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AR for Remote Access and Skill Retention

Manufacturers set the pace in the Augmented Reality race

Vuforia® Expert Capture Technology and Microsoft’s HoloLens glasses were used to create a virtual guide hosted in the cloud and then accessed by engineers in a number of factories across the UK

Industry has been searching for some time for an answer to an ageing workforce and the worrying scenario of traditional engineering skills being potentially lost forever.

AR can be used to record skills as engineers are performing them, saving them in the Cloud for generations to come – almost like a virtual technical library.

Importantly, these instructions can be delivered at the point of use, which has been proven to speed up learning.

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Augmented Scepticism

<Palermos, S. O. (2017). Augmented Skepticism: The Epistemological Design of Augmented Reality.

epistemology should play an active role in the design of future AR systems and practices.

its users may also be exposed to the serious danger of being unable to tell reality and augmented reality apart.

Most modern augmented reality systems combine the input from hardware
components such as digital cameras, accelerometers, global positioning systems (GPS),
gyroscopes, solid state compasses, and wireless sensors with simultaneous localization and
mapping (SLAM) software

The above examples make it obvious that AR has the potential to permeate and
enrich our everyday lives in a variety of ways. As AR technologies become less intrusive and
more transparent, moving from hand held devices, to AR glasses and finally to contact lenses,
AR will possibly not only penetrate every aspect of our lives but will become a constant,
additional layer to physical reality that users will be practically unable to disengage from.
Short films Sight ( and Hyper-Reality
( provide good tasters of how the augmented future might
soon look like.

Contrary to other forms of extended
cognitive systems, AR is specifically designed to generate and operate on the basis of unreal
yet deceivingly truth-like mimicries of the external world in a way that users won’t be able to
distinguish augmented images from actual images of the world.

AR therefore has the potential to both extend and distract our organismic epistemic

AR developers would have to make sure that all augmentations bear features that would allow them to clearly and immediately stand out from the physical elements in the world without the need of unrealistically burdensome checks on the part of the users. The design of future AR systems should not pose unrealistic demands on the users’ cognitively integrated nature. Reality augmentations should automatically stand out as such, leaving minimal room for confusion or misinterpretation.

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VR in business school

Temple’s business school sees virtual reality as future of online learning

a finance professor at Temple University and academic director of its online MBA, has tested that belief since March 2020, when he launched the class Fintech, Blockchain and Digital Disruption in a virtual reality, or VR, program.

It took 18 months to research the technology and build the course at a cost upward of $100,000. The finished product was completed with the help of Glimpse Group, a New York-based virtual reality and augmented reality company.

“When I teach classes on Zoom, there’s a disconnect,” Ozkan said. “When we asked students last year to compare their VR experience to Zoom, almost all of them said [VR] is better or much better. Which is why we decided to offer it again this year.”

When the 18 students enrolled in the seven-week accelerated course this semester put on their VR headsets, they entered one of two lecture halls modeled after actual rooms on the Temple campus. Students customize their avatars before the semester.

more on immersive in this IMS blog

Epic Games and Digital Reality

Epic Games ‘Metaverse’ Completes $1B Funding with $200M from Sony—Developers to Build a Digital Reality

According to Venture Beat, Epic Games has recently had a successful round of funding, raising a sum of $1 billion for its proposed digital reality world

The metaverse idea of connecting all of Epic Games’ titles is an ingenious way of integrating one game after the other, becoming the common ground for all games, each player with their avatars. This highly resembles “Ready Player One’s” OASIS metaverse, which is a digital, virtual, and augmented reality that leads to different online platforms.

more on VR in this IMS blog

Digital Storytelling and AR in museums

Storytelling and Content presentation with the Virtual Showcase in a museum context

This paper gives an overview of the Virtual Showcase as an augmented reality display system for museums. It explains about different hardware prototypes, interaction tools as well as several software techniques to utilize the features of the Virtual Showcase. It also presents two case studies, one from paleontology and one from archeology.



Alternative Augmented Reality Approaches: Concepts,Techniques, and Applications

more on Digital Storytelling in this IMS blog

on AR in education in this IMS blog

Niantic AR goggles

Niantic CEO shares teaser image of AR glasses device


Niantic has been a fairly active investor in the augmented reality hardware space, so there is also the possibility that they’ve done a branding partnership with a startup on a project, but this cryptic image crop is certainly making it look like they’re showcasing a device with first-party branding. There’s also the potential that this is a product in the “smart glasses” category that doesn’t include a display but focuses on building audio or camera functionality into a pair of glasses. Niantic has previously announced that they’ve been working with Qualcomm to help define their reference design for their XR hardware platform.


Facebook, Apple and Niantic Bet People Are Ready for Augmented-Reality Glasses

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AR contact lenses

Mojo Vision Details Low-Power Chips for Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

A millimeter-scale microLED display that fits onto a contact lens to provide augmented reality is, frankly, amazing, but for it to be useful it needs to know what to display. Last month at the IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference, augmented reality contact lens startup Mojo Vision in Saratoga, Calif., reported new details of the image chip and image processing circuits that tell their display what to paint onto your retina.

more on AR in this IMS blog

Tech Cycle AR VR

Defining a Tech Cycle and Where Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Stand

Defining a Tech Cycle and Where Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Stand

we have started a new tech cycle, with the combination of augmented realityvirtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

tech cycle definition:
A tech cycle is usually a 30-35 year-long period that begins with the early commercialization of a group of technologies and ends with the mass adoption and daily use of the technologies by consumers, businesses and organizations.

Predictions For the XR Tech Space
Some predict the rise of AR glasses, leading to the death of smartphones. Others dream of a future where VR replaces the need to go to a physical office, with most meetings taking place in virtual environments. AI will come to life with AI-controlled avatars participating in VR worlds and advising as our own AR advisors and consultants.

We are still in the early innings of this tech cycle, we are looking at the beginning of the adoption of AR, VR, and AI (mass adoption is quite a few years out). This inevitable future has been accelerated by COVID-19, as many have turned to virtual reality and augmented reality as ways to socialize while keeping a social distance.


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