Author Archive

students blogs

Helping Students Develop Voice While Blogging

  • Being a proficient writer takes time: practice, practice, practice. Teachers should provide students specific, on-going feedback to help students improve their writing. With each draft, the teacher should offer relevant effective feedback that will allows students to work on specific skills.
  • Just because you are a proficient writer doesn’t mean others will enjoy reading your writing; this takes time too. Proficient doesn’t always mean engaging (refer to the first bullet)
  • All writing has value, even bad writing… maybe especially bad writing because it is a starting point and that is often the hardest place.
  • If you don’t know how to start, just start writing whatever comes to mind without the burden of worrying if it makes sense – that will come later. Sometimes a brainstorm works well too in a notebook if you can’t jump right to the writing on the blog.
  • Revision isn’t a suggestion, it’s a necessity – sometimes writing the same thing three different ways or more offers perspective, this perspective provides choice to the writer later for what best suits the finished piece.
  • It’s okay if even finished writing isn’t perfect. Perfect is a writing myth. All writing can always stand to be improved, so when a piece feels finished, it probably is for now and that’s what matters most. Ask yourself, “Does this piece communicate the message I intended? Are all questions answered about what I’ve written about?” If the answers are yes, it’s done.
  • Mistakes will happen on blogs – it’s okay, we’re all human and we all mistakes. It’s even okay to leave the mistake up there unless it’s offensive. Students can always revise drafts or published posts later if errors are found. It’s all a learning process.



instructional design

free ebook available PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats. Complete the form and download the eBook today!

61 Tips for Making Learning Memorable with Graphics and Visual Design

September 23, 2014

Contributing Editor, Karen Forni

10 Design Questions to improve teaching

10 Design Questions by Marzano will improve your teaching

In The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction, author Robert J. Marzano presents a model for ensuring quality teaching that balances the necessity of research-based data with the equally vital need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual students.

the basis of the ten design questions are to be used by teachers to plan effective units and lessons as well as execute them. Remember what works well with one child may not with another.

1.What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success?

2. What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?

3. What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge?

4. What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge?

5. What will I do to engage students?

6. What will I do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures?

7. What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures?

8. What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students?

9. What will I do to communicate high expectations for all students?

10. What will I do to develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit?

international experience for librarians

Do American librarians REALLY need international experience?

A LITA listserv post:

—–Original Message—–
From: Sarah Prescott []
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 2:27 PM
Subject: [lita-l] International Librarianship Blog

Hello Fellow Librarians,

I am a librarian with 14+ years of experience in international schools and colleges. My goal, now that I have returned home, is to encourage and assist other librarians to travel. If you are interested in the subject of international librarianship and/or have experiences and comments to share, please my webpage ( and blog: The Traveling Librarian (

Safe travels, Sarah P. Gibson


Google Glass issues

Help – my glass can’t start – Explorers Community

I just received the glass yesterday.  After fully charge the glass and turn it on, it displays the “Glass” logo then keeps on “main stopped unexpectedly” -> “voice stopped unexpectedly” -> “camera stopped unexpectedly”.  What’s wrong with it? The seller told me it is a common problem. (boot looop?)  After a hard-reset, it still does not function.

call 1-800-Glass-XE for support

Device 2

Last Activity: May 1, 2014, 7:11:43 AM
Registered: Apr 30, 2014, 9:11:17 AM
Software Version: XE16.11
Serial: LGCCC140574672
Wi-Fi MAC Address: f8:8f:ca:26:16:83
Talked to 1-800-Glass-XE. The issue is because the OS (XE16.11) is not updated. In order to to push the updates, GG needs to be reconnected to Wi-Fi. Easiest way is if GG “remembers” previous settings. In this case, any phone or tablet that GG has been connected before will do. Battery must be  charged at least 50% (at least an hour).
GG can take the updated also directly from Wifi, but the SCSU WiFi does NOT take devices like Google Glass yet.
If updates cannot be pushed to Google Glass, then the “owner” of the device has to talk to Google for replacement.

The Educator and the Oligarch

Diane Ravitch blog on Anthony Cody’s book about his efforts to educate Bill Gates. The book is called “The Educator and the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges Bill Gates.”

Anthony Cody is a teacher. For Cody, teaching is not just a job. It is his profession. It is his way of life. It is the place where his brain, his life experience, and his heart are joined.

With his blog as his platform, he trained his sights on the Gates Foundation. While others feared to criticize the richest foundation in the United States, Cody regularly devoted blogs to questioning its ideas and programs. He questioned its focus on standardized testing. He questioned its belief that teachers should be judged by the test scores of their students. He questioned its support for organizations that are anti-union and anti-teacher. He questioned its decision to create new organizations of young teachers to act as a fifth column within teachers’ unions, ready to testify in legislative hearings against the interests of teachers and unions.

Student Worker for IMS position

Contact Person: Plamen Miltenoff

St. Cloud State University Student Employment Program

Financial Aid Office

student employment

AS 106 – 720 Fourth Avenue South

St. Cloud, MN  56301

Phone: (320) 308-2047/Fax: (320) 308-5424

Job Title:        Digital Activities

Department/Agency: LRS

Length of Position:

Function/Description of the Position: (skills and experience the student will gain from the position)

–          Learn and/or expand on h/er knowledge of the Adobe Suite applications

–          Learn and/or expand on h/er knowledge of technology instruction

–          Learn and/or expand on h/er knowledge of audio and video editing tools

–          Learn and/or expand on h/er knowledge of Microsoft Office Pro applications

–          Learn and/or expand on h/er knowledge of social media platforms

Duties & Responsibilities

–          Build and promote technology-related materials using social media platforms such as Edublog and Youtube

–          Promote technology instruction and services across campus through various duties such as completion of physical and electronic promotional materials, contacts with student organizations and similar bodies

–          Administer database for promotion and attendance of technology instruction sessions

–          Research, assist and recommend technologies suitable for educational practices at SCSU

–          Work with the social media groups throughout LRS to synch technology related activities with other LRS promotional endeavors

–          Assist with video and audio editing activities

Minimum Qualifications to perform the duties of the position: (e.g., previous related experience; coursework/education; background check; licensure)

–          Strong knowledge in software and applications

–          Preferred advanced knowledge in Adobe Suite

–          Preferred advanced knowledge in audio and video editing applications on both Windows and Apple platforms

–          Strong knowledge and understanding of social media

Work Schedule: (e.g., weekdays; evenings; holidays; breaks; weekends; available to work 2-4 hour shifts)

–          Flexible schedule, but at least ½ of the working hours during the day

Contact Person:

Plamen Miltenoff





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