Archive of ‘announcement’ category

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Good afternoon,

Tom Hergert, Chris Stanley, Plamen Miltenoff and Marian Rengel discussed various aspects on mobile devices.
It was a great conversation, since we barely touched on technological aspects, but rather brainstormed on how to structure these meetings so most can benefit.
Questions/Issues/Ideas addressed:

how to choose a devices and what to use it for
do/can tablets help you work from home. Similarly to taking a laptop to work at home: how does this reflect on the social stigma of co-workers (“you are not at your office”)
can we expand the conversation beyond LRS and attract more participants by moving the monthly meeting from LRS to any of the coffee shops on campus (iSelf, LRS, Atwood)?
is there a “timer/timing” app, which can help me easily calculate the time was really “busy” with work-related tasks?
the structure of this group: who the we cater to and how
clickers were mentioned

Please feel most welcome to enter your responses to the billeted list above and any other ideas under the following IMS blog entry:

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Here are the links to the blog entries from the previous meetings:

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning: A Discussion

SMUG (smart mobile users’ group)

Contact us and contribute via social media:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


D2L Course Purge of Spring 2012 ISRS courses begins July 1, 2014

Per MnSCU System Office:


D2L COURSE PURGE— Next D2L course purge begins July 1, 2014.

Spring 2012 (ISRS YRTR 20125) D2L courses* will be purged starting July 1, 2014.

D2L campus trainers and campus site administrators ( ) can provide assistance to faculty who would like to export D2L course materials and grade books. As a best practice, it is advisable to export gradebooks and any other pertinent course materials or course data at the end of each semester.

* Courses that are not assigned to an ISRS YRTR semester (developmental courses, ongoing courses) will not be purged.


July 1, 2014 purging will begin on these semester courses:   Spring 2012 (ISRS YRTR 20125)

October 1, 2014 purging will begin on these semester courses:   Summer 2012 (ISRS YRTR 20131)

February 1, 2015 purging will begin on these semester courses:   Fall 2012  (ISRS YRTR 20133)

This purge schedule is based on the recommendation of the former IMS Advisory Council to retain two years of courses.
These are the approximate purge dates.  If a purge date falls on a weekend, the purge will begin on the first business day following the purge date.

For questions and issues, please contact
Please keep in mind that contacting directly Greg Jorgensen, Tom Hergert, Sara Grachek and/or Plamen Miltenoff might slow you down: the fastest way to receive a response is to use

Technology Week: Social Media in Teaching and Learning
Top 10 Social Media Management Tools: beyond Hootsuite and TweetDeck

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

Please join us in exploring our mobile devices.

Minutes from the April 23, 2014 meeting

Pamela, Greg, Rachel and Plamen met at 3pM in MC 205 and discussed:

  • ebooks
  • different OS and gadgets – iOS, Windows Surface, Android Galaxy, Kindle
    the differences. We determined that it is up to the user which one she/he prefers.
  • what can be frustrating
    Android – more difficult to organize. For an novice it is more difficult
  • WIndows Surface come with Office and Surface has a mouse pointer and USB port, which makes easy connect external mouse.
  • Pamela will buy different types of dongles (USB, VGA) for iOS, Android Galaxy and WIndows and they will be available to loan from the dean’s office.
  • Siri, consensus on the poor quality. Cortana on WIndows is to be seen. Somebody on campus using Siri to text. Google Now is the Siri equivalent.
  • Google Glass. waste of money? it has potential thought. battery is very limited. we are not sure if it connects to iPAD
  • meet once a month. ask what worked from the last group and what didn’t to determine what can be discussed. Carol Rose has an app for passwords. How many people do NOT have access to a mobile device. What people do here, work related stuff (email, notes, calendar).  A coordinator of this group monitoring free apps and suggesting to be tested in LRS. List from the former group with the apps for iOS, Android, Windows.

Log in your questions, suggestions and helpful information.

Plamen Miltenoff and Tom Hergert

InforMedia Services

Contact us via social media:

IMS blog:






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Center for Democracy & Technology

Big Data and Privacy

April 17, 2014

Big data has been generating big hype for a while. In January, the White House jumped into the fray, launching a big data and privacy review. CDT participated in all three public workshops convened in connection with the review and submitted written comments.

CDT’s Big Data and Privacy Comments

In our comments, we focused on three main areas: applying the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs) to both private sector and government big data programs; exploring technical measures such as de-identification to safeguard privacy; and reforming existing privacy laws, most notably the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, to account for rapid changes in the ways that digital data is collected, stored, and used.

CDT stressed that, as entities collect more data to offer innovative products and more efficient services, they must still be guided by purpose specification, consent, security, and the other elements of the FIPPs framework.

Government and Big Data

“Strong consensus is forming that the bulk collection of phone records should end.”

-Harley Geiger

The Administration says that it will end its bulk collection of telephony metadata, although the details of what will replace it remain unsettled. Meanwhile, CDT is pointing out that the laws the government has used to justify bulk collection are not limited just to phone records. Instead, they could be used to justify collection of location data, Internet browsing history, financial records, and more. CDT has been vocal in advocating the end of all forms of bulk collection, and we endorse the USA FREEDOM Act as the best legislation to do just that.

A report from the White House review is due before the end of April, but it is expected to present more questions than answers. In this complex and unsettled space, CDT will continue to work with companies and other stakeholders to develop workable approaches that will protect privacy while pursuing the benefits promised by advanced data analytics.

Check Out CDT’s New Website

CDT has launched a totally revamped website: It has a fresh new look and tools that should make our content more easily accessible. Thanks to our partners at iStrategy Labs for their creative and technical efforts on the new site.

Technology Week: Bring your ideas and questions

  • Bring your ideas and questions
    • Monday
      Petting Zoo: hands-on interaction with a variety of tablets and e-readers
    • Tuesday
      Digital Lab: create your own video, music, photography and design project
    • Wednesday
      Petting Zoo: hands-on interaction with a variety of tablets and e-readers
    • Thursday
      Digital Lab: create your own video, music, photography and design project
    • Friday
      Digital Lab: create your own video, music, photography and design project

Technology Week: March 31-April 4, “Microsoft Apps and alternatives”

instructional sessions avaialble on the Adobe Creative Cloud Master Collection

With the announcement of the site license for the Adobe Creative Suite (Acrobat, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Premier Pro, Fireworks, Flash, Lightroom, and more) InforMedia Services will be offering instruction, consulting, and support for faculty, staff, and students who want to learn and use these tools. We expect to schedule specific workshops in the next few weeks. Until those are publicized, please email for assistance. We can work with individuals, groups of faculty, staff, or students, or present opportunities to classes.

Please let us know how we can help you—

Plamen Miltenoff and Tom Hergert

InforMedia Services

Contact us via social media:

IMS blog:






Google +:


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