VR in education must experiment
more on VR in education in this IMS blog
Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
more on VR in education in this IMS blog
more on contemplative computing in this IMS blog
EdSurge’s CEO, Betsy Corcoran, argued that 2017 was a year when educators and schools were trying to take control of their technology choices “We have said from the time we started writing the newsletters that not every piece of technology will work for every student, or for every school or every classroom,” she said. “It’s all about asking the right questions to figure out if there is a piece of technology that will support learning goals. What we’re starting to really see across schools, districts and teachers, people really owning those questions. They’re saying, ‘What do I want to do with my classroom? With my kids? And what are the technologies that will support me?’”
Another discussion participant asked whether colleges and universities are starting to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, or experimenting with the blockchain technology that drives those systems. Johnson said most of the hype around unversities’ blockchain experiments has centered on storing and managing credentials.
more on blockchain and education in this IMS blog
Fri, Feb. 2, 2018, Principalship class, 22 people, Plymouth room 103
Instructor Jim Johnson EDAD principalship class
The many different roles of the principals:
Effective communication is one critical characteristics of effective and successful school principal. Research on effective schools and instructional leadership emphasizes the impact of principal leadership on creating safe and secure learning environment and positive nurturing school climate (Halawah, 2005, p. 334)
Halawah, I. (2005). The Relationship between Effective Communication of High School Principal and School Climate. Education, 126(2), 334-345.
Selection of school principals in Hong Kong. The findings confirm a four-factor set of expectations sought from applicants; these are Generic Managerial Skills; Communication and Presentation Skills; Knowledge and Experience; and Religious Value Orientation.
Kwan, P. (2012). Assessing school principal candidates: perspectives of the hiring superintendents. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, 15(3), 331-349. doi:10.1080/13603124.2011.617838
Yee, D. L. (2000). Images of school principals’ information and communications technology leadership. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 9(3), 287–302. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759390000200097
Catano, N., & Stronge, J. H. (2007). What do we expect of school principals? Congruence between principal evaluation and performance standards. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 10(4), 379–399. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603120701381782
Communication can consist of two large areas:
Further communication initiated by/from principals can have different audiences
Ärlestig, H. (2008). Communication between principals and teachers in successful schools. DIVA. Retrieved from http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-1927
Reyes, P., & Hoyle, D. (1992). Teachers’ Satisfaction With Principals’ Communication. The Journal of Educational Research, 85(3), 163–168. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.1992.9944433
Epstein, J. L. (1995). School/family/community partnerships – ProQuest. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(9), 701.
Communication and Visualization
The ever-growing necessity to be able to communicate data to different audiences in digestible format.
So, how do we organize and exercise communication with these audiences and considering the different content to be communicated?
Communication tools:
21st century electronic tools
Top 10 Social Media Management Tools: beyond Hootsuite and TweetDeck
Manage control of your passwords and logons (Password Managers)
class discussion Feb 2.
PeachJar : https://www.peachjar.com/
Seesaw: https://web.seesaw.me/
Schoology: https://www.schoology.com/
Group Assignment
considering the information discussed in class, split in groups of 4 and develop your institution strategy for effective and modern communication across and out of your school.
>>>>>>>>>>> Word of the day: blockchain credentialing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>> K12 Trends 4 2018 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
TeacherGaming is a subscription-based suite of educational games for the classroom, ranging from $150 to $1150 per year depending on class size. The system includes lesson plans and an analytics platform for educators to track student activity and progress.
More on gaming in this IMS blog
more on MInecraft in this IMS blog
In addition toGoogle’s Cardboard Camera and Street View apps as tools for creating simple virtual reality imagery
Patches is a free online tool for creating virtual reality scenes. Patches offers animated characters, animals, buildings, and common objects that you can place inside a virtual reality scene. Just drag and drop objects and animations
more on VR in this IMS blog
more on microcredentialing in this IMS blog