Posts Tagged ‘hack’

Malware, Phishing, Hacking, Ransomware

Keeping Safe in a Digital World

How Not to be Hacked

Malware, Phishing, Hacking, Ransomware – oh my! Learn about the threats to you, your users and your library.  During this session, we will explore the threats to online security and discuss solutions that can be implemented at any level. Most importantly, we will look at how we can educate our users on current threats and safety

Date: December 5th, 10AM

Presenter: Diana Silveira


Webinar December 5, 2017 10 AM

  • create policies. e.g. changing psw routinely
  • USB blockers for public computers (public libraries). like skimmers on gas stations
  • do not use admin passwords
  • software and firmware updates.
  • policy for leaving employees
  • Cybersecurity KNowledge Quiz Pew research Center

twitter @Novarelibrary

more on hacking in this IMS blog

hack the drones

Hackers are able to seize control of consumer drones and make them fall from the sky

there aren’t clear rules about what manufacturers need to do to secure drones to prevent them from being tampered with by malicious hackers.

Police have owned signal jamming tools to interfere with consumer drones for years. After all, it was a regular consumer drone that a member of ISIS turned into a kamikaze to bomb Kurdish fighters.

My note: from jamming devices, to raptors (birds) to hacking the apps – #BumpyRoad for drones

more on drones in this IMS blog: