My (his) main research interests are augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) as well as camera networks. This includes building novel 3D user interfaces (e.g., using projection mapping or VR headsets) that adapt the layout of spatial UI elements based on implicit user input (e.g., gaze data) and building toolkits for room-scale interfaces. More recently, I also investigate different realities afforded by the combination of VR devices and camera networks.
more on immersive in this IMS blog
GESS Education Keynote: How AR/VR is Transforming Learning During the Pandemic
My ultimate question in the GESS Education keynote: will the global pandemic launch us in the Metaverse?
more on mozilla hubs in this IMS blog
Immersive Italy and 6th European Immersive Education Summit Host and Dates Announced
The Immersive Education Initiative today announced that Università degli Studi di Padova (the University of Padua) is the official host of the 6th European Immersive Education Summit (EiED 2016). The prestigious academic and technical conference will run in parallel with the inaugural IMMERSIVE ITALY “general public” conference from June 21 through June 23.
More on immersive practices in this IMS blog:
Proportion of Content
Delivered Online |
Type of Course
Typical Description
Classroom-based teaching with assignments and activities which students pursue independently of each other. |
1 to 29%
Web Facilitated
Web resources and technologies are used to facilitate what is essentially a face-to-face course. May use webpages and course management systems (CMS) to post syllabuses, readings and assignments. |
Blended / Hybrid
Course blends online and face-to-face delivery. Substantial parts of the content are delivered online and discussions, team projects and activities and web safaris are used for learning. The number of face-to-face sessions is decreased as the volume of online activity increases. |
A course where all, or almost all, of the content is delivered online with no or a very small number of face-to-face meetings. |
- Synchronous learning
- Asynchronous learning
Flipped Classroom
Competency-Based Learning
open learning
Flexible learning (badges)
Immersive Learning Environments
Adaptive Learning and Assessment
Immersive Tutoring |
Glossary of Online Learning Terms
E-Learning Terms