Posts Tagged ‘immersive’

Edtech Trends 2022

7 Edtech Trends to Watch in 2022: a Startup Guide for Entrepreneurs

1. Data is abundant and the key to today’s edtech solutions

2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are powering the latest generation of edtechs

3. Game-based learning is transforming how students learn

4. Edtechs are at the forefront of digital transformation in the classroom

5. Workforce upskilling is being supplemented by edtech solutions

6. Edtechs are being called upon to help with student wellbeing

7. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality are top of mind

Big Tech and Their Metaverse

Big Tech Needs to Stop Trying to Make Their Metaverse Happen

The Metaverse is a fuzzy concept: It entered dictionaries via Neal Stephenson’s 1992 dystopian sci-fi novel Snow Crash, where the Metaverse is the virtual refuge from an anarchy-laden world controlled by the Mafia, and was brought back by a series of blogposts by VC Matthew Ball.

The morality of the Metaverse project is the least of its problems. Unlike Google Glass, the gold standard of tech blunders, it is not an overhyped (and ill-conceived) product: It is pure hype, without a product—except for some hypothetical “building blocks.”

letter by the CEO of Japanese game developer Square Enix, in which the executive expounded on his interest in NFTs and drew an odd distinction between people who “play for fun” and those who “play to contribute” was also badly received.

2022 user interface trends

2022 UI design trends guide

Minimalism, Claymorphism, Brutalism and a look into the future of NFT, VR and Metaverse

  1. Minimalism and simplification
  2. Brutalism (and return of the flat)
  3. Glassmorphism and glass inspired elements
  4. Aurora backgrounds
  5. Holographic/Neon
  6. Eco-conscious “cardboard” style
  7. Wild typography
  8. Claymorphism 3D
  9. NFT’s and democratisation of art
  10. A glimpse into VR and Metaverse

more on UI in this IMS blog

57 Jobs of the Future

Metaverse Jobs

  1. Metaverse World Designers
  2. Avatar Designers
  3. Metaverse Storefront Creators, Developers, and Operators
  4. Metaverse Law Enforcement
  5. DAO Attorneys


  1. Crypto Coaches and Advisors
  2. Crypto Mortgage Specialists
  3. Decentralization Managers


  1. Amnesia Surgeons – Doctors who are skilled in removing bad memories or destructive behavior.
  2. Memory Augmentation Therapists – Entertainment is all about the great memories it creates. Creating a better grade of memories can dramatically change who we are and pave the way for an entirely new class of humans.
  3. Digital Implant Architects
  4. Genetic Troubleshooters
  5. Body Part Fabricators
  6. AI Health Managers

Big Data

  1. Privacy Strategists
  2. Personal Data Managers, Archivists, and Protectors
  3. Blockchain Designers
  4. Vulnerabilities Analyst

Future Education

  1. AI Memory Assessment Engineers
  2. AI Coach-Bot Designers
  3. AI Teacher-Bot Developers


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