Seesaw saves time on organization and parent communication, makes formative assessment easy, and provides a safe place to teach 21st Century skills.
QR code connection, available across mobile devices
Google Classroom
alternatives for student portfolios:
two popular digital-portfolio apps: Seesaw and FreshGrade.
See Saw digital learning journal.
See Saw digital learninurnal.
International Survey of Research University Faculty: Means of Scholarly Communications and Collaboration (ISBN No:978-157440-446-3 )
The survey data is based on a survey of more than 500 scholars drawn from more than 50 major research universities in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. Data is broken out by various criteria, such as type of university, scholar’s country, gender, political views, academic subject specialty, academic title and other criteria.
- 50.69% of respondents are currently collaborating or coordinating research with scholars or other researchers from other universities or colleges outside of their country.
- Web based meetings were most common in the Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry and other Science and Technology fields, 33.70, and least common in the Literature and Languages fields, 2.92.
- 7.72% of respondents routinely use Adobe Connect to communicate with scholars at other locations.
- 87.52% of respondents have co-authored a journal article with one or more other authors. Co-authorship was most common in Australia/New Zealand, 96.77%, followed by Canada, 93.10%, and the UK/Ireland, 89.83%. It was least common in the USA, 85.07%.
more on collaboration in academia in this IMS blog
GoConqr Online Learning Report
Some of the most outstanding findings we found in this report are:
• Despite the prevalence of social networking, online study tends to be a solitary activity: 79% of people choose not to study collaboratively when they are online.
• Students are using online platforms as an additional source to help with difficult subjects Students from non-native English speaking countries are more likely to use online tools for language learning than native English speakers are.
• Learning is lower down the list of priorities for users of mobile devices. Using mobile devices for education is quite low compared to other activities
• There is a strong trend towards visually engaging material , an area in which the offline world simply cannot compete with the online one
more on online learning in this IMS blog