Author Archive

New terms and issues: Virtual Reality, Sim Sickness, Postural Sway…

Virtual Reality’s Next Hurdle: Overcoming ‘Sim Sickness’

One problem is the resulting “postural sway,” or postural instability and hand-eye coordination challenges.

Additional reading:

my note: similar issues with Google Glass. Here is some more info on the issue:

Rethinking Motion Sickness

Pls have other IMS blog entries on Google Glass


10 Twitter Tactics to Increase Your Engagement

10 Twitter Tactics to Increase Your Engagement

#1: Keep Tweets Under 110 Characters 

#2: Tweet During Daytime Hours 

#3: Tweet on Saturday and Sunday

#4: Share Images 

#5: Ask for Retweets 

#6: Use Hashtags 

#7: Include Links 

#8: Stay Away From Lifestyle Tweets

#9: Use Strong Calls to Action 

#10: Send One to Four Tweets a Day 

What do you think? What Twitter techniques do you use to create engagement? Do you have additional advice for others? Please leave your comments below.

Social Media Trivia in infographics

Time spent on social media
time spent

A brand’s story online is best framed online with photos and videos

A brand's story online is best framed online with photos and videos

Which content works on Facebook
Which content works on Facebook

What do you say on social media?
What do you say on social media?

Re-purpose content for social media

Re-purpose content for social media

Best time to be active on social media

Best time to be active on social media
Best time to be active on social media

Opinions: The Un-Fallacy of Balanced Literacy

The Un-Fallacy of Balanced Literacy

is a respond to

The Fallacy of ‘Balanced Literacy’

The dispute focus on the administration and its execution in public education.

I think, the dispute is important for educational institutions, libraries in particular, because it reveals the complexity of “traditional” literacy. The same complexity applies no less for other literacies, digital and information ones included.


U.S. Education and Standarized Testing

Another interesting debate on Diane Ravitch’s blog concerning the heated debate about the reliance of US education on testing:

“Rather than administering field tests, schools should focus on spending more time in the classroom to improve performance and encourage students to reach their potential.”

What is your take on the issue? Are pro-test or anti-test?

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