Archive of ‘announcement’ category

IM 690 ID theory and practice

Tutorial from Jan. 21:

Notes to Jan 28 session:

Ritz, L. (2016). A Framework for Aligning Instructional Design Strategies with Affordances of CAVE Immersive Virtual Reality Systems (Vol. 60, pp. 549–556).

When you prepare for the Analysis of Design Strategies for Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR):

please consider the following video:

it will help you visualize better the issues discussed in the article, if you haven’t visited the CAVE lab with Mark Gill yet.

What is the difference between the CAVE, Oculust Quest (the black goggles from the Jan 21 lab) and Google Cardboard? Please let me know, if you would like to discuss.

During the Jan 28 lecture, you discussed numerous methods, frameworks and theories. This blog has plenty of materials regarding those topics. You scroll up to the search box in the upper right corner and search using the following key words:

  • instructional design
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Competency Based Learning
  • Activity Theory
  • ADDIE model
  • The TIM (Technology Integration Matrix)

Here some links, you might find useful


LAK20 – “Celebrating 10 years of LAK: Shaping the future of the field”

23-27 March 2020, Frankfurt, Germany,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20)which will be held in Frankfurt, Germany between 23-27 March 2020. This year, LAK20 will feature 80 research and 12 practitioner presentations, over 60 poster presentations, and best-paper presentations from EDM and ACL EDU conferences.

We also have a great lineup of world-renowned keynote speakers:

Professor Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, Australia
Professor Milena Tsvetkova, London School of Economics and Political Science, The United Kingdom
Professor Allyson Hadwin, The University of Victoria, Canada

As it is the tenth anniversary of the LAK conference, LAK20 celebrates the past successes of the learning analytics community and poses new questions and challenges for the field. The theme for this year is “Shaping the future of the field” and focuses on thinking how we can advance learning analytics and drive its development over the next ten years and beyond.

The LAK conference is intended for both researchers and practitioners. We invite both researchers and practitioners of learning analytics to come and join a proactive dialogue around the future of learning analytics and its practical adoption. We further extend our invite to educators, leaders, administrators, government and industry professionals interested in the field of learning analytics and related disciplines.

For the details of the conference schedule, see

Register at

About the Conference


The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge is the premier research forum in the field of learning analytics and educational technology, providing common ground for all stakeholders in the design of analytics systems to debate the state of the art at the intersection of Learning and Analytics – including researchers, educators, instructional designers, data scientists, software developers, institutional leaders and governmental policymakers. The conference is organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and held in cooperation with ACM in association with ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB, with the double-blind, peer-reviewed proceedings archived in the ACM Digital Library.

more on learning analytics in this IMS blog

NVivo workshop

Intro to NVivo – January 31
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
440 Blegen Hall

NVivo is a qualitative data management, coding and markup tool, that facilitates powerful querying and exploration of source materials for both mixed methods and qualitative analysis. It integrates well with tools that assist in data collection and can handle a wide variety of source materials. This workshop introduces the basic functions of NVivo, with no prior experience necessary. The session is held in a computer lab with the software already installed. Register.

more on qualitative research in this IMS blog

cheating higher ed

Educators are in an arms race these days against an industry that seeks to profit by helping students cheat. Some websites offer to write papers for students, others sell access to past tests by individual professors, and others will even take entire online courses for students, as a kind of study double.

January 28, 3PM Live: How to Protect Academic Integrity From a ‘Cheating Economy.’ We’ll see you on Tuesday, January 28 at 1pm PT/4pm ET at this Zoom link or with the Meeting ID: 655-009-467.


question to Tricia: the aggressiveness of the Websites. radio silence by governments, universities.

is there a data on contract cheating: data from Australia, UK. 7 Mil students worldwide engaged in contsure

punitive vs preventive practices.
students being educated for that matter faculty.
stakeholders: students, faculty (accreditation), parents, administration. what the forces in place to keep in check the administration/
how does the education happen in a world where the grade is the king and the credit is the queen?
If i organize a workshop on cheating noone attends; overworked

not magic bullet. more communication and awareness. teaching and learning issue. in the business of certifying. integrity is essential to the certification program and teaching and learning, otherwise it cannot be graded. lost from the core mission.

clear and better policies: what is the role of the faculty in the process. when teaching and learning is not sufficient and needs to move to allegations.

Instructional designer: online is easier to cheat.


How the ‘Contract Cheating’ Industry Has Gotten More Aggressive in Recruiting Students


What Colleges Are Doing to Fight the ‘Contract Cheating’ Industry

more on cheating in this IMS blog

Education and New Developments 2019

International Conference on Education and New Developments 2019
27 to 29 of June, 2020 – Zagreb, Croatia

  • In TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: Teachers and Staff training and education; Educational quality and standards; Curriculum and Pedagogy; Vocational education and Counselling; Ubiquitous and lifelong learning; Training programmes and professional guidance; Teaching and learning relationship; Student affairs (learning, experiences and diversity; Extra-curricular activities; Assessment and measurements in Education.
    • In PROJECTS AND TRENDS: Pedagogic innovations; Challenges and transformations in Education; Technology in teaching and learning; Distance Education and eLearning; Global and sustainable developments for Education; New learning and teaching models; Multicultural and (inter)cultural communications; Inclusive and Special Education; Rural and indigenous Education; Educational projects.
    • In TEACHING AND LEARNING: Critical Thinking; Educational foundations; Research and development methodologies; Early childhood and Primary Education; Secondary Education; Higher Education; Science and technology Education; Literacy, languages and Linguistics (TESL/TEFL); Health Education; Religious Education; Sports Education.
    • In ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES: Educational policy and leadership; Human Resources development; Educational environment; Business, Administration, and Management in Education; Economics in Education; Institutional accreditations and rankings; International Education and Exchange programmes; Equity, social justice and social change; Ethics and values; Organizational learning and change; Corporate Education.

= Types of Contributions =
All submissions are subjected to a blind-review refereeing process and are divided in these categories:
– Oral Presentations
– Posters
– Workshops
– Virtual presentations
– Company Presentation
Corporates can also showcase their products or services in the conference exhibitions area by contacting the secretariat or publicity email (provided below).

= Conference Date and Location =
END 2020 will be held in Zagreb, Croatia (Hotel Dubrovnik) and will occur from 27 to 29 of June, 2020.

= Contacts =
Conference email:
Publicity email:


Charter schools

A charter chain thinks it has the answer for alternative schools

Critics complain that the schools lack rigor and often use software programs vulnerable to cheating, such as Edgenuity.

Bixby also pushed back on the idea, expressed by some alternative school critics, that students in traditional classrooms, with teachers who each see over 150 pupils a day, are assured a more meaningful experience. Altus students are assigned to one main teacher who becomes responsible for each of their students’ progress throughout their time in the program. The network aims to assign no more than 40 students to each teacher so that they have time to get to know them. And all instruction is delivered one-on-one or in small groups.

more on charter schools in this IMS blog

Spring Convocation 2020: Microcredentialing

Digital Badging and Microcredentialing

short link to this blog entry:

for backchanneling, pls join us on Zoom: or 9107443388
if you want to review the Zoom recording, pls click here:

Presenters: Kannan Sivaprakasam & Plamen Mittenoff

1. Share your ideas and practice of badge distribution and/or microcredentialing
2. What is a digital badge/microcredentialing?
3. How to create and award D2L digital badges for your class?
4. How to motivate the students in earning digital badges?
5. How it aligns with COSE’s strategic plan 2022/Husky Compact?

What we hope to achieve
• Create a community of digital badgers
• Catalyze professional development opportunity for faculty/staff

Literature and additional information:


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Turn Bad Data Into Good Data

How to Turn Bad Data Into Good Data

Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020  Time: 1:00 pm CT

a panel of data and education experts about how to make the most of your education data. In this webinar you’ll learn about:

  • How rapid data turnover can hurt you (and your bottom line)
  • How to access “good‘‘ data and what it looks like
  • Opportunities open to you when your data is clean 
  • Avoiding the pitfalls of using outdated or irrelevant data and making decisions that are not data informed
  • Navigating the unique challenges of working in education, such as privacy regulations that might hinder communication 

more on big data in this IMS blog

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