Archive of ‘instructional technology’ category

Planning by design

Tip: Planning by Design

Stage 1: Planning learning outcomes, assessment, learning activities & course materials.

The idea of backwards design has been around for several decades, starting with Understanding by Design, published in 1998 by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTigue.

  • Learning Outcomes.
  • Assessment.
  • Learning Activities.
  • Course Materials.



Maya Georgieva Emory Craig XR

The state of XR in higher education

Two experts reveal the state of the art

July 22, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (CDT)

What is happening with virtual and augmented reality in higher education?

This week the Forum will explore that question with two authors of a new report, iLRN‘s State of XR 2021.  Maya Georgieva and Emory Craig, founders and principals of Digital Bodies, are world experts in Extended Reality.  They have also been brilliant and in-demand Forum guests in 20202019, and 2018.

more on future trends forum in this IMS blog

AI Technology in Education Will Grow 40%

AI Technology in Education Will Grow 40% Annually Until 2027

According to the author of the report, one of the participants in the AI education market will be IBM, AWS, Microsoft, Google, Nuance, Century Tech, Blackboard, Pearson, Cognii,, Blippar, Knewton, Jenzabar, Content Technologies, PLEIQ, Luilishuo, Pixatel System, Cerevrum Inc., CheckiO, and Quantum Adaptive Learning.

Europe is expected to hold a significant market share with supportive government initiatives.

more on AI in this IMS blog

benefits of gamification

4 Benefits of Gamification in the Online Classroom

1. Combining Learning and Gaming Develops Additional Skills

2. Gamification Dwarfs the Fear of Failure

3. Game-Based Learning Provides Short-Term Rewards

4. Gamifying the Learning Experience Promotes Collaboration and Healthy Competition

more on gamification in this IMS blog

Dealing with Digital Fatigue

8 Tips for Educators Dealing with Digital Fatigue

Feeling mentally exhausted from videoconferencing? Take these steps to stay sharp.

Tip #1: Create a Dedicated Space for Online Teaching

Tip #2: Be Selective When Trying Online Learning Tools

Tip #3: Calendar Block and Automate to Save Time

Tip #4: Delegate Tasks to Teaching Assistants or Students

Tip #5: To Prevent Burnout, Resist the Urge to Multitask

Tip #6: Turn Off Your Camera From Time to Time

Tip #7: Schedule Time for Self-Care in Education

Tip #8: Cut Yourself Some Slack During Online Teaching

more on burnout in this IMS blog

Ed Tech Adoption during pandemic

How the Pandemic Boosted Ed Tech Adoption

CHLOE is an annual survey of chief online officers about the structure and organization of online learning in United States higher education, conducted by Quality Matters and Eduventures Research. The 2021 survey polled representatives from 422 U.S. colleges and universities, drilling down into the impact of the pandemic on the future of online learning.

Full report:

more on ed tech in this IMS blog

Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia

Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia

How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included]

1. The Coherence Principle

2. The Signaling Principle

3. The Redundancy Principle
humans learn best with narration and graphics, as opposed to narration, graphics, and text.

4. The Spatial Contiguity Principle
learn best when relevant text and visuals are physically close together

5. The Temporal Contiguity Principle
learn best when corresponding words and visuals are presented together, instead of in consecutive order.

6. The Segmenting Principle
learn best when information is presented in segments, rather than one long continuous stream.

7. The Pre-Training Principle
learn more efficiently if they already know some of the basics.

8. The Modality Principle
learn best from visuals and spoken words than from visuals and printed words.

9. The Multimedia Principle
learn best from words and pictures than just words alone.

10. The Personalization Principle
 learn best from a more informal, conversational voice than an overly formal voice.

11. The Voice Principle
learn best from a human voice than a computer voice.

12. The Image Principle
humans do not necessarily learn better from a talking head video.


more on ID in this IMS blog



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