MOOCs in the libraries

This blog entry is related to a previous one:

From: <Proffitt>, Merrilee <>
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:39 PM
To: “Proffitt,Merrilee” <>
Subject: Outputs from MOOCs and Libraries meeting


I’m writing to you again, as promised, to let you know that ALL of the outputs from our MOOCs and Libraries meeting are now available online. You may have already seen the announcement below, but just in case this escaped your attention, I am sending it to you, directly. I hope you will use and share!

“MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge?” Event Summarized in Series of Six Hangingtogether Blog Posts


The 18-19 March “MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge?” event featured thoughtful and provocative presentations about how libraries are already getting involved with MOOCs, and engaged attendees in discussions about strategic opportunities and challenges going forward. OCLC Research Senior Program Officer Merrilee Proffitt helped to organize the event and has posted a series of six blog posts on the OCLC Research blog, Hangingtogether, that recap presentation highlights and summarize its outcomes.

These blog posts include:

  1. MOOCs and Libraries: Introduction;
  2. MOOCs and Libraries: Copyright, Licensing, Open Access
  3. MOOCs and Libraries: Production and Pedagogy
  4. MOOCs and Libraries: New Opportunities for Librarians
  5. MOOCs and Libraries: Who Are the Masses? A View of the Audience
  6. MOOCs and Libraries: Next Steps?

In addition, a MOOCs and Libraries video playlist that comprises 11 videos of the event sessions is available on the MOOCs and Libraries event page, and on the OCLC Research YouTube Channel. Links to the presenters’ slides, the next steps document (.pdf: 124K/1 pp.), the MOOCs online poll responses (.pdf: 67K/2 pp.), and the #mooclib archived tweets pdf: 639K/32 pp.) from this event are also available on the MOOCs and Libraries event page.

All best,


Merrilee Proffitt, Senior Program Officer
OCLC Research
777 Mariners Island Blvd Suite 550
San Mateo, CA 94404 USA

Merrilee blogs at
Follow me on Twitter @merrileeiam

Microsoft Outlook: Client versus OWA

Microsoft Outlook is available for students, faculty and staff both on campus and out of campus via Outlook Web Access (OWA).

OWA needs a browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) to access email, calendar etc.

OWA in Internet Explorer browser

On campus, in the open labs, as well as on office computers, Microsoft outlook is also available through the Client Outlook. The Outlook client is software application installed on each particular computer on campus:

Outlook Client

a snapshot of Outlook Client’s interface

The advantage of OWA is that it allows email, calendar and contacts to be accessed from anywhere.
The advantage of the Outlook client is that allows greater productivity and additional features, compared to OWA.

The Technology Literate Professoriate: Are We There Yet?

The Technology Literate Professoriate: Are We There Yet?

Students may know how to navigate the Internet and use other forms of digital technology for purposes of their own learning, but do they know how to take full advantage of those technologies for learning at the university level?

3 cyber bills passed in the House

The House is passing 3 bills:

The House passed the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, which mandates strategic guidance for federal cybersecurity research and development. To establish that guidance, the bill calls for input from public and private stakeholders, and strengthens security automation standards and checklists for federal systems.

How this will impact education and academia? What input can SCSU contribute with?…

FISMA – Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002

CISPA- Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act


SCSU’s First Technology in Teaching and Learning Institute

You are invited to participate in the “First Annual SCSU Technology in Teaching and Learning Summer Institute” co-sponsored by the Center for Continuing Studies, InfoMedia Services and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

When?                                 Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Where?                                Miller Center

Space is limited to 75 participants. Registration is required and can be completed at this link:

The Institute program is available here:

Participants are eligible for incentive awards to support their teaching with technology. Please see the attachment, “participant incentives.”

The goal of the SCSU Technology in Teaching and Learning Summer Institute and its follow-up sessions is to provide high quality and effective pedagogical strategies, skills and discussions around the use of technology for teaching and learning in online, face-to-face and blended courses.  This Institute is part of our on-going varied and collaborative efforts to foster a professional peer learning climate around teaching and learning with technology.


Participants who attend all sessions on both days including the follow-ups and complete all evaluations will have the opportunity to use their self-assessment of current skills and knowledge of technology and select sessions in order to:

•             Acquire basic and advanced skills in using the current Learning Management System, i.e. D2L

•             Distinguish the appropriate use of pedagogical strategies with technology in online, face-to-face and blended settings

•             Explore opportunities to improve student learning through application of e-conferencing tools (e.g. Adobe Connect), and Web 2.0 tools such as social media, etc.

•             Meet and interact with faculty and staff experts and mentors and learn the processes by which they can get additional and on-going support for each of the above areas.


Please register no later than Wednesday May 8.

“Full-time faculty and full-time professional staff with teaching responsibilities who participate in both days of the “Summer Institute” and complete the evaluations will be rewarded with a $300 coupon for a one-time purchase of material that directly supports teaching with technology at the SCSU Computer Store in the Miller Center.  Faculty who participate in one of the two days will receive a $150 coupon for the same purpose. Coupons are not transferable.


Please remember that the items purchased remain the property of SCSU but may be used by the purchaser to support their teaching and related academic activities.


Upon completion of the “Summer Institute” participants will be contacted by the SCSU Online Office to verify level of participation in the institute and verify eligibility for funds. These funds must be spent by June 15, 2013.”


Clarification on Presenters Registration

  1. Presenters do not have to register unless they want to attend both days.
  2. If presenters are not going to participate in sessions other than the one(s) they are presenting but want to eat lunch with us on either day please contact me directly so we can add you to the lunch count and identify any dietary needs

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