Posts Tagged ‘immersive’

Maya Georgieva Emory Craig XR

The state of XR in higher education

Two experts reveal the state of the art

July 22, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (CDT)

What is happening with virtual and augmented reality in higher education?

This week the Forum will explore that question with two authors of a new report, iLRN‘s State of XR 2021.  Maya Georgieva and Emory Craig, founders and principals of Digital Bodies, are world experts in Extended Reality.  They have also been brilliant and in-demand Forum guests in 20202019, and 2018.

more on future trends forum in this IMS blog

VR director and storyteller Charlotte Mikkelborg

Tudors Augmented


5 thoughts with VR director and storyteller Charlotte Mikkelborg

There are still a very limited number of VR headsets compared to TVs and mobile phones, even in rich countries.

more on AR in this IMS blog


VR medical training

Virtual reality: A medical training revolution during COVID-19

The technology used in these VR applications tricks the brain into believing in another reality. For example, a patient on a hospital bed is virtually transported to an altered reality where the patient can enjoy an immersive experience of hiking in Machu Picchu or snorkelling under the Pacific Ocean or watching a serene sunset while sipping coconut water on a white sand beach. Called as VR distraction therapy, such virtual experience causes the brain to escape the present reality leading to less pain and anxiety.


Healing the Brain and Body From Trauma Often Goes Beyond Talk Therapy—Here’s Why

Healing the Brain and Body From Trauma Often Goes Beyond Talk Therapy—Here’s Why

more on immersive and medical in this IMS blog

Glue VR collaboration platform

New release of Glue VR collaboration platform supports third-party apps including Office 365 and Google Workspace

he new release integrates several popular enterprise tools, allowing users to bring their existing digital workflows into VR during virtual meetings on Glue. The full list of third-party apps that are supported includes:

  • Gmail
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Docs
  • Google Drive
  • Google Slides
  • Google Calendar
  • Jira
  • Miro
  • Office 365 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneDrive, OneNote, Sharepoint and Teams)
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Trello

Another feature of the new release includes an improved avatar configurator.

more on virtual worlds in this IMS blog

The iLRN SOXR 2021 Outlook Report


State of XR & Immersive Learning 2021 Outlook Report
p. 12 about VR and AR
p. 15 about social VR platforms
p. 39 CAVE like environment for Nursing students

p. 43 The FUTURE Time Traveller is a project developed and co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Bulgaria’s Business Foundation for Education in partnership with seven national organizations.

p. 46 obstacles – disabilities

p. 48 California State University Northridge, which has developed an MA in Instructional Design with a focus on XR and immersive games and simulations


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