Searching for "immersive "

campus wide infrastructure for immersive

Cabada, E., Kurt, E., & Ward, D. (2021). Constructing a campus-wide infrastructure for virtual reality. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 0(0), 1–24.

As an interdisciplinary hub, academic libraries are uniquely positioned to serve the full lifecycle of immersive environment needs, from development through archiving of successful projects. As and informal learning environment that or discipline neutral and high traffic, the academic library can serve as a clearinghouse for experimentation and transmission of best practices across colleges.

these founda­tional questions:
1. What VR infrastructure needs do faculty and researchers have?
2. Where is campus support lagging?
3. What current partnerships exist?
4. What and where is the campus level of interest in VR?
As marketing for workshops and programs can be challenging, particu­larly for large institutions, data was collected on where workshop partici­pants learned about Step Into VR. The responses show that users learned of the workshops from a variety of ways with email ( 41 % ) as the most cited method (Figure 4). These marketing emails were sent through distributed listservs that reached nearly the entire campus population. Facebook was called out specifically and represented the second largest marketing method at 29% with the library website, friends, instructors, and digital signage rep­resenting the remaining marketing channels.
While new needs continue to emerge, the typical categories of consult­ation support observed include:
• Recommendations on hardware selection, such as choosing the best VR headset for viewing class content
• Guidance on developing VR applications that incorporate domain-spe­cific curricular content
• Support for curricular integration of VR
• Recommendations on 360 capture media and equipment for document­ing environments or experiences, such as the GoPro Fusion and Insta360 One X
• Advice on editing workflows, including software for processing and ren­dering of 360 content
Alex Fogarty
p. 9
While many library patrons understand the basic concepts of recording video on a camera, 360 cameras present a large divergence from this pro­cess in several primary ways. The first is a 360 camera captures every direc­tion at once, so there is no inherent “focus,” and no side of a scene that is not recorded. This significantly changes how someone might compose a video recording, and also adds complexity to post-production, including how to orient viewers within a scene. The second area of divergence is that many of these devices, especially the high-end versions, are recording each lens to a separate data file or memory card and these ftles need to be com­bined, or “stitched,” at a later time using software specific to the camera. A final concern is that data ftles for high-resolution 3 D capture can be huge, requiring both large amounts of disk space and high-end processors and graphic cards for detailed editing to occur. For example, the Insta360 Pro 2 has 6 sensors all capable of data recording at 120 Mbps for a grand total of 720 Mbps. This translates into 43.2 gigabytes of data for every minute o

Red Cross and Immersive Learning

Virtual Reality & Innovation

mounting research suggests that gaming in immersive virtual environments can directly affect and impact regions of the brain responsible for memory, spatial orientation, information organizations, and fine motor skills.

the ICRC officially established its Virtual Reality Unit (VRU) to delve further into computer-generated environments as a way to educate, communicate and advocate respect for IHL.

By 2017, the VRU had amassed a library of virtual environments for FAS’ IHL training sessions but there was a desire within the VRU, as well as in FAS and ICRC’s Learning & Development, to develop more advanced VR opportunities for a wider audience.

2018 report researched global financial investment in XR and a 2019 meta-analysis consolidated global academic findings that used VR to measure behaviour.

December 2019 … the production of an XR Quick Start Guide in April 2020 which introduces ICRC staff to lessons learned and best practices for initiative development.

more on gaming in this IMS blog
and immersive learning

Immersive Journalism and Storytelling

My note: Consider these SCSU courses:

LIB 490/590 Digital Storytelling and Virtual Reality:


IM 690 Virtual and Augmented Reality for Instructional Designers

more on immersive journalism in this IMS blog

and storytelling

women and immersive technologies

International Data Corporation says it expects the number of AI jobs globally to grow 16% this year.

a new report released Wednesday, IBM found the majority (85%) of AI professionals think the industry has become more diverse over recent years

3,200 people surveyed across North AmericaEurope and India, 86% said they are now confident in AI systems’ ability to make decisions without bias.

A plurality of men (46%) said they became interested in a tech career in high school or earlier, while a majority of women (53%) only considered it a possible path during their undergraduate degree or grad school.

more on immersive technologies in this IMS blog

art and immersive teaching

more on art and immersive teaching in this IMS blog

2020 Immersive Learning Technology

2020 Immersive Learning Technology

2020-Immersion-012420 per Mark Gill’s finding

Technology is rapidly changing how we learn and grow. More and more, tools and platforms that make use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (ER)—collectively known as immersive learning technology—are moving from the niche world of Silicon Valley into retail stores, warehouses, factory floors, classrooms as well as corporate education and training programs. The value is clear: these immersive learning tools help companies, training providers, and educators train workers better, faster, and more efficiently. Of course, the impact doesn’t stop at the bottom line. Immersive learning presents an opportunity to reliably train employees for situations that are expensive to support, challenging to replicate, and even dangerous. And it can be done efficiently, safely, and with better learning outcomes.

1 in every 3 small and mid-size businesses in the U.S. is expected to be piloting a VR employee training program by 2021, seeing their new hires reach full productivity 50% faster as a result.1

The worldwide AR and VR market size is forecast to grow nearly 7.7 times between 2018 and 2022.

14 million AR and VR devices are expected to be sold in 2019

By 2023, enterprise VR hardware and software revenue is expected to jump 587% to $5.5 billion, up from an estimated $800 million in 2018.

Virtual Reality VR  A computer-generated experience that simulates reality. VR may include visual, auditory, or tactile experiences.

Augmented Reality AR A live experience of a physical space, where computer-enhanced visualizations, sounds, or tactile experiences overlay the real-world environment.

Mixed Reality MR A blend of virtual experiences and the real world where virtual and augmented experiences are presented simultaneously

Extended Reality ER  An immersive experience involving interactions with the real world, virtual reality, augmented reality, as well as other machines or computers adding content to the experience.

Soft Skills Technical Skills Immersive learning technologies can help people develop human skills, such as empathy, customer service, improving diversity and inclusion, and other areas

Technical Skills.  Immersive learning technologies enable workers to learn through simulated experiences, providing the opportunity for risk-free repetition of complex or dangerous technical tasks.

more on immersive learning in this IMS blog

Immersive Teaching for SCSU

As part of our involvement with the Extended Reality Community of Practice, InforMedia Services and SCSU VizLab are offering the following workshops / introductions in augmented and virtual reality:

         Wednesday, March 18, 3PM, MC 205  (directions to MC 205: )
Intro to 360 Video: easy adoption of virtual reality in your classroom

Plamen Miltenoff will lead exploration of resources; capturing 360 images and videos; hands-on session on creating virtual tours with existing and acquired imagery. 

         Wednesday, March 25, 3PM, MC 205   (directions to MC 205: )
Intro to Augmented Reality
Alan Srock and Mark Gill will demonstrate the use of the Merge Cube and other augmented reality tools in their courses.
Plamen Miltenoff will lead hands-on session on creating basic AR content with Metaverse.

         Wednesday, April 1, 3PM, MC 205  (directions to MC 205: )
Intro to  Virtual Reality 

Mark Gill, Alan Srock and Plamen Miltenoff will demonstrate AltSpaceVR and Virbela.
Hands-on session on creating learning spaces in virtual reality. 

These sessions will share ready-to-go resources as well as hands-on creation of materials suitable for most disciplines taught on this campus.

VR in Vizlabmerge cube IM 690

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