Searching for "vr virtual reality"

office in VR

  • The pandemic is driving interest in using virtual reality for business.
  • Facebook’s Oculus 2 VR headset will support an application called Infinite Office that allows people to work in a virtual office.
  • Advances are needed before VR can replace real-life interactions, experts say.

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more on XR in this IMS blog

more on ASVR in this IMS blog

Virtual Burning Man

Lots of words will be typed about how it compares to the real thing. Here, let me save it for you, it doesn’t. Real life is analog, far sharper, far more interesting, and far more fun than anything you can experience in VR. Even for decades to come.

VR is more accessible than real life and, soon, the numbers of attendees will dwarf those who can attend in real life (somewhere around 70,000 attended last year). It is more interactive (and you can navigate it much faster). It is more comfortable for sure. Are these tradeoffs worth not going?

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VR anatomy

That was a lot of people in the Stanford lab! Photogrammetry scans of real anatomy for VR education! Done from anywhere in the world! Scale up the models and walk through the body! Get a totally different understanding of a subject! Education is reaching a turning point! I wonder how universities and colleges are going to adapt? Will they be quick enough? Stanford just purchased x70 Oculus VR Quest we just ordered another 350 headsets for a client! Things are going to hot up!

Thanks Again It was awesome! Daniel Dyboski-Bryant Chris Madsen Brian Waterfield Oscar Molnar

#vr #virtualreality #vrtraining #360video #photogrammetry #rivr #youthinkyouknowvr #3d #education Stanford University #stanford

more on VR in nursing in this IMS blog

Ethical and Technical Challenges VR

VR Could Bring a New Era of Immersive Learning. But Ethical and Technical Challenges Remain.

By Jeffrey R. Young     Mar 15, 2018

more on VR in education in this IMS blog

Cataloging Virtual Reality programming

The ACRL Technical Interest Group invites you to join us virtually for two
presentations on
Date: Tuesday, June 23rd
Time: 12 PM (CDT)/1 PM (
Place: Zoom
The following will be 20 minute presentations with a 5 minute question
Cataloging Virtual Reality programming: why and how
Joy DuBose, Assistant Professor, Special Collections Cataloger at Mississippi
State University Libraries
When video games really came to the forefront, there were arguments as to
whether these materials should be offered by libraries and whether or not they
should be cataloged. Now with the appearance of virtual reality (VR), which
has games and programming that are mostly in digital format, these arguments
are returning. Many libraries are questioning whether or not to add this
technology, and whether to catalog it.
While VR has taken off in many ways in the public arena, libraries are
somewhat slower to do so. The Mitchell Memorial Library at Mississippi State
University has embraced VR. Through the library students, faculty, and non-
university affiliates can experience VR on several different systems. However,
questions were soon raised on how exactly do we catalog VR programming? This
presentation examines the question of should these materials be cataloged, the
different questions that arose during the process, and the workflow that was
created to catalog these materials.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.

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VR for student orientation

my note: the LITA publication about the Emporia State University (see below) pursues the same goals of the project two SCSU librarians, Susan Hubbs, MLIS, and Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D. MLIS, have developed:

This library orientation was an improved version of Plamen Miltenoff’s 2014-2016 research project with numerous national and international publications and presentations:
Miltenoff, P. (2018). AR, VR, and Video 360: Toward New Realities in Education by Plamen Miltenoff. In J.-P. Van Arnhem, C. Elliott, & M. Rose (Eds.), Augmented and Virtual Reality in Libraries. Retrieved from
and the upcoming LITA workshops:

Virtual Reality as a Tool for Student Orientation in Distance Education Programs

A Study of New Library and Information Science Students


Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a popular technology for gaming and learning, with its uses for teaching presently being investigated in a variety of educational settings. However, one area where the effect of this technology on students has not been examined in detail is as tool for new student orientation in colleges and universities. This study investigates this effect using an experimental methodology and the population of new master of library science (MLS) students entering a library and information science (LIS) program. The results indicate that students who received a VR orientation expressed more optimistic views about the technology, saw greater improvement in scores on an assessment of knowledge about their program and chosen profession, and saw a small decrease in program anxiety compared to those who received the same information as standard text-and-links. The majority of students also indicated a willingness to use VR technology for learning for long periods of time (25 minutes or more). The researchers concluded that VR may be a useful tool for increasing student engagement, as described by Game Engagement Theory.


Brady Lund, Emporia State University

Brady Lund is a doctoral student at Emporia State University’s School of Library and Information Management, where he studies the intersection of information technology and information science, among other topics.

Asynchronous Virtual Field Experiences with 360 Video

Zolfaghari, M., Austin, C. K., Kosko, K. W., & Ferdig, R. E. (2020). Creating Asynchronous Virtual Field Experiences with 360 Video. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 315–320.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal face-to-face classes across institutions. This has significantly impacted methods courses where preservice teachers (PSTs) practice pedagogy in the field (e.g., in the PreK-12 classroom). In this paper, we describe efforts to adapt an assignment originally situated in a face-to-face school placement into a virtual version. By utilizing multi-perspective 360 video, preliminary results suggest virtual field experiences can provide PSTs with similar experiences for observation-based assignments. Acknowledging that immersive virtual experiences are not a complete replacement for face-to-face field-based experiences, we suggest virtual field assignments can be a useful supplement or a viable alternative during a time of pandemic.


Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Oprean, D., Wallgrün, J. O., & Chang, J. (2019). Research Framework for Immersive Virtual Field Trips (p. 1617).
Klippel, A., Zhao, J., Sajjadi, P., Wallgrun, J. O., Bagher, M. M., & Oprean, D. (2020). Immersive Place-based Learning – An Extended Research Framework. 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 449–454.

more on Video 360 in this IMS blog
and specifically for education:

museums worth visiting in VR

10 Museums We Recommend You Visit (Using Virtual Reality)

please contact, if you need Google Cardboard set for your classes.
please contact for Oculus Go set for your classes.

– Open YouTube
– Type / Voice Command: e.g. Smithsonian 360 or British Museum 360 or Ufizzi 360 and choose 360 video files suitable for the content of your course.
– e.g., Smithsonian has an excellent 360 degree tour of the Space Shuttle + narrative about the deployment of the Hubble Telescope:–Qg, which can be an excellent intro to Astronomy class
– e.g., Smithsonian offers a 360 degree tour of the Museum of American History:
– e.g., Ufizzi Gallery, British Museum present 360 degree tours of artifacts for Ancient History, Art, History of Art:

If you need 360 degree resources for classes in the discipline you are teaching, please contact

Need further assistance? please do not hesitate to contact us

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students in VR

XR Storytellers: Learners Making Immersive Stories

Thursday, May 7, 2020 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM (CDT)

Our team will share lessons learned in collaborating to create immersive experiences that accelerate STEM education. Find out how students achieve classroom learning objectives by designing AR experiences. Watch a demonstration of how an immersive scientific story is co-created by students and teachers in a virtual learning environment. Explore novel techniques for supporting learners to demonstrate understanding and share knowledge using spatial technologies and storytelling principles. We invite guests to share their questions and perspectives on the possibilities and limitations of XR storytelling to facilitate relational connections to curriculum and instruction.

Sarah Cassidy | Janelle LaVoie | Quincy Wang | Poh Tan
We are a team of VR learners from the University of Saskatchewan and Simon Fraser University in Canada. Our research explores innovative uses of immersive technology for STEM education and pro-social change.

MENTOR: Paula MacDowell
University of Saskatchewan, Assistant Professor
Twitter: paulamacdowell
Facebook Discord: Paulie#8830



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VR sketching

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I've been using the #masslesspen lately to review my work, and to do markups and more precise annotations. Like on these 1:5 scale coffee table concepts I've been cooking up. . Done in @gravitysketch with @oculus Quest and pen . . #vrsketching #gravitysketch #industrialdesign #oculus #design #virtualreality #3dmodel #vrdesign #idsketching #productdesign #designsketching #designprocess #instaart #diseñoindustrial #diseñocolombia #design #ideation #conceptsketch #vrsketching #3dmodel #rendering #vrdesign #mixedreality #mixedrealitysketching

A post shared by Fed Rios (@fedriosdesign) on

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