Archive of ‘instructional technology’ category

virtual reality and mindfulness

For Penn Medicine cancer patients, virtual reality is a game-changer and gateway into mindfulness

the department had implemented a relaxation VR program in its waiting room

More on virtual reality and mindfulness in this blog

hyflex courses for Multimodal Learning Environments

Designing Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Courses to Support Multimodal Learning Environments

badge earned for attending the course:

Multimodal Learning Environments

Neuroscience research has also revealed that „significant increases in learning can be
accomplished through the informed use of visual and verbal multimodal learning‟ (Fadel, 2008, p. 12).

Multimodal learning environments allow instructional elements to be presented in more than one  sensory mode (visual, aural, written). In turn, materials that are presented in a variety of presentation  modes may lead learners to perceive that it is easier to learn and improve attention, thus leading to improved learning performance; in particular for lowerachieving students (Chen & Fu, 2003; Moreno & Mayer, 2007; Zywno 2003).

multimodal design, in which „information (is) presented in multiple modes such as visual and auditory‟ (Chen & Fu, 2003, p.350). The major benefit of which, as identified by Picciano (2009), is that it „allows students to experience learning in ways in which they are most comfortable, while challenging them to experience and learn in other ways as well‟ (p. 13). Consequently, students may become more selfdirected, interacting with the various elements housed in these environments.

VARK learning styles inventory online to help determine their learning style (

(see motivation theory:

more on hyflex in this blog

productivity based on ML and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) training costs, for example, are dropping 40-70% at an annual rate, a record-breaking deflationary force. AI is likely to transform every sector, industry, and company during the 5 to 10 years.

More on artificial intelligence in this blog

higher-ed programs using XR

5 higher-ed programs using XR to transform how college students learn

Colleges and universities are using virtual and augmented reality in courses that range from human anatomy to media as a way to make education more immersive and inclusive.

medical school students at Colorado State University’s Clapp Lab reach for virtual reality (VR) headsets, which dangle from the ceiling of the 2,500 square foot facility.

Distance learning in VR

Building community and critical thinking skills

Exploring XR storytelling 

Evaluating the influence of media in XR
At Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications, Associate Professor T. Makana Chock is conducting research on storytelling in XR

More immersive and higher Ed in this blog

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Diffusion of Innovation Theory


This theory has been used successfully in many fields including communication, agriculture, public health, criminal justice, social work, and marketing.

more on instructional design in this IMS blog

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