Archive of ‘Library and information science’ category

Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is one of the biggest buzzwords in education—it’s even been called the ‘5th C’ of 21st century skills.

Document-based questions have long been a staple of social studies classrooms

Since the human brain is essentially wired to recognize patterns, computational thinking—somewhat paradoxically—doesn’t necessarily require the use of computers at all.

In a 2006 paper for the Association for Computing Machinery, computer scientist Jeanette Wing wrote a definition of computational thinking that used terms native her field—even when she was citing everyday examples. Thus, a student preparing her backpack for the day is “prefetching and caching.” Finding the shortest line at the supermarket is “performance modeling.” And performing a cost-benefit analysis on whether it makes more sense to rent versus buy is running an “online algorithm.” “Computational thinking will have become ingrained in everyone’s lives when words like algorithm and precondition are part of everyone’s vocabulary,” she writes.

three main steps:

Looking at the data: Deciding what’s worth including in the final data set, and what should be left out. What are the different tools that can help manipulate this data—from GIS tools to pen and paper?

Looking for patterns: Typically, this involves shifting to greater levels of abstraction—or conversely, getting more granular.

Decomposition: What’s a trend versus what’s an outlier to the trend? Where do things correlate, and where can you find causal inference?

more on critical thinking in this IMS blog

social media analysis

Social Media Now Has a Past — Can We Learn from Our Mistakes?

Blogging was supposed to be an extraordinary way for everyone to have a voice. Yet at least in my experience, students have little to no experience with blogs or any kind of “feed” that isn’t generated for them algorithmically.

more on social media in this IMS blog

Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia

Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia

How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included]

1. The Coherence Principle

2. The Signaling Principle

3. The Redundancy Principle
humans learn best with narration and graphics, as opposed to narration, graphics, and text.

4. The Spatial Contiguity Principle
learn best when relevant text and visuals are physically close together

5. The Temporal Contiguity Principle
learn best when corresponding words and visuals are presented together, instead of in consecutive order.

6. The Segmenting Principle
learn best when information is presented in segments, rather than one long continuous stream.

7. The Pre-Training Principle
learn more efficiently if they already know some of the basics.

8. The Modality Principle
learn best from visuals and spoken words than from visuals and printed words.

9. The Multimedia Principle
learn best from words and pictures than just words alone.

10. The Personalization Principle
 learn best from a more informal, conversational voice than an overly formal voice.

11. The Voice Principle
learn best from a human voice than a computer voice.

12. The Image Principle
humans do not necessarily learn better from a talking head video.


more on ID in this IMS blog




some frightening full-time faculty numbers at some large online universities.

Robot colleges have de-skilled instruction by paying teams of workers, some qualified and some not, to write content, while computer programs perform instructional and management tasks. Learning management systems with automated instruction programs

The assumption is that managing work this way significantly reduces costs, and it does, at least in the short and medium terms.  However, instructional costs are frequently replaced by marketing and advertising expenses to pitch the schools to prospective students and their families.
The business model in higher education for reducing labor power and faculty costs is not reserved to for-profit colleges.  Community colleges also rely on a small number of full-time faculty and armies of low-wage contingent labor.
In some cases, colleges and universities, including many brand name schools, utilize outside companies, online program managers (OPMs), to run their online programs, with OPMs like 2U taking up as much as 60 percent of the revenues.

Instructional approaches

A Beginner’s Guide to Flipped Classroom

Our 2018-2019 Global State of Digital Learning research study revealed some interesting insights about instructional approaches. It was taken by 9,279 education professionals from all across the country in various roles and districts.

When we look at instructional approaches most frequently used, the top ones are differentiated instruction (73.5%), blended learning (54.8%), and individualized learning (47.8%). And while flipped learning, personalized learning, and gamification command the most press, they aren’t being practiced as much as one might think. In many ways, this makes a lot of sense. These approaches require more time and resources than many of the others.


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